Browser Caching

For your use of this site (ASCLS.ORG) you need to clear your browser cache because we have just deployed a brand new website. If you visit this site frequently, or are a Consumer Panel member then chances are good that you are going to have a cached version of the old website still in your browser on your computer. If you attempt to respond to questions or use some of the Consumer Panel (POC member areas) you will be attempting to submit to our new website using data and files from the old website which can lead to possible issues as well as frustration for our valued members.

Fortunately, clearing your computer's browser cache is a very simple procedure which you can do in minutes!

We're also looking at some options to optimize our caching procedures to improve this part of the website in the future.

What is a browser cache?

The browser cache is a temporary storage location on your computer for files downloaded by your browser to display websites. Files that are cached locally include any documents that make up a website, such as html files, CSS style sheets, JavaScript scripts, as well as graphic images and other multimedia content.

When you revisit a website, the browser checks which content was updated in the meantime and only downloads updated files or what is not already stored in the cache. This reduces bandwidth usage on both the user and server side and allows the page to load faster. Hence, the cache is especially useful when you have a slow or limited Internet connection. Caching is a web industry best practice that is commonly used to speed up website load times. Not taking advantage of caching is a serious no-no in this day and age.

Why do I need to clear the cache?

In general its a good idea to clear the cache because over time it can get quite large and take up a lot of space on your hard drive, filled with data from websites you will never visit again. While you can limit how large it can get, it is still useful to occasionally clear it to fix problems and speed things up again.

Nevermind the technical stuff. How do I clear The cache?

Internet Explorer - Let's Clear My Cache Chrome - Let's Clear My Cache Firefox - Let's Clear My Cache

ASCLS Presentation of Candidates

Presentation of Candidates

2016-2017 ASCLS National Offices

Office:  President-Elect

Debra Rodahl

Rodahl Apr 16--PE Candidate-RodahlCity/State:  Oakdale, MN

Member:  Since 1990

Education:  B.S. Medical Technology, University of Minnesota; MBA, Cardinal Stritch University

Certification:  MLS(ASCP)CM 

Employment:  Operations Executive, HealthEast Care System, St. Paul, MN

Society Participation:
2010-Present—Member—Attend state conference & business meeting
2013-15—Member—Job Description Task Force
2015—Present—Chair—Political Action Committee
2009-15—Region V Director
2010-Present—Member—Region V Symposium Planning Committee
2010-Present—Region V Leadership Academy Committee
2010-Present—Attendee & Speaker—Region V Symposium
2010-Present—MN State Meeting
2010-Present—North Dakota State Meeting
2010-Present—South Dakota State Meeting
2010-Present—Wisconsin State Meeting
2009-15—Member, Board of Directors
2009-10, 2013-14—Member, BOD Finance Committee
2012-13, 2014-15—Member, BOD Executive Committee
2010-15—Attend ASCLS Annual Meeting
2010-15—Attend ASCLS Legislative Symposium
Statement of Philosophy:
I am a firm believer in the value that ASCLS brings to the Clinical Laboratory Sciences profession and to the practitioners within this profession. ASCLS has helped shape who I am professionally and personally, for which I will always be grateful. The value of membership is there for each and every one of us – simply for the taking. Whether through ASCLS leadership mentoring, the numerous opportunities for networking and continuing education, or through the tireless advocacy provided by our national offi ce. ASCLS’s One Voice, One Vision is more than a catchy slogan, and more than the sum if it’s parts. The Voice of our grass roots membership is the foundation of ASCLS and what makes this organization so effective.  ASCLS has also clearly demonstrated the Vision to plan for the future while dealing with the reality of today. We have proven the true power that we have when we all work together for the same goals. ASCLS provides the foundation that allows us to do that. I am proud to give back to the organization that has given so much to me and will endeavor to serve with integrity and a collaborative spirit if elected to this position.

Office:  Secretary/Treasurer

Cindy Johnson

Johnson Apr 16-Sec-Treas Candidate-JohnsonCity/State:  St. Cloud, MN

Member:  Since 1989

Education:  B.A. Medical Technology, College of St. Scholastica; M.S. Clinical Laboratory Science, University of North Dakota

Certification:  MLS(ASCP)CM 

Employment:  Director, Laboratory Opertions, CentraCare Health, St. Cloud, MN

Society Participation:
2010-15—Attendee, ASCLS Legislative Symposium
2010-15—Participant, Speaker, Committee Member, MN Laboratory Collaborative
2010-11, 2013-15—Participant & Speaker, ASCLS Region V Meetings
2014—Speaker, ASCLS ND State Meeting
2010-13—Vice-Chair, Chair, Government Affairs Committee
2010, 2012—Speaker, ASCLS Annual Meeting
2010-15—Delegate, ASCLS Annual Meeting
2012—Task Force Member, Direct Access Testing
2013-16—Committee Member, Advanced Management Institute
2013-16—Secretary/Treasurer, ASCLS Board of Directors
2014-15—Speaker & Participant, Advanced Management Institute 2015-16—Committee Member, ASCLS EVP Search Committee

Statement of Philosophy:
The field of laboratory medicine has been a rewarding profession for me for over thirty years. I have had the opportunity to work with dedicated laboratory professionals locally, regionally and nationally who have taught me many valuable lessons. Whether we are in our health care facilities or on Capitol Hill it is vital that we share our vision and mission to enhance patient safety and provide the best possible information in the diagnosis and treatment of disease and the promotion of wellness.  Through the networking opportunities offered as a member of ASCLS, the dedication of my colleagues has inspired me to expand my horizons in promotion of the profession. When I think of leaving a professional legacy, I want to know that I have continued to strive for excellence and was able to mentor other colleagues as I was.  As a leader in the laboratory for the past twenty four years, I have the skills required to assure that we maintain our visibility and financial viability. It has been an honor and privilege to be on ASCLS Board of Directors as the current Secretary/Treasurer. My desire to serve another term in this role would allow me to fulfi ll my passion of shaping the future of our professional organization.

Office:  Region I Director

Maddie Josephs

Josephs Apr 16-Reg 1 RD Cand-JosephsCity/State:  Rumford, RI

Member:  Since 1997

Education:  B.S. Medical Technology, Salve Regina University; M.S. Clinical Laboratory Science, University of Rhode Island

Certification:  MT(ASCP)

Employment:  Associate Professor/Program Director, Community College of RI, Lincoln, RI

Society Participation:
2006-08—CNE Director, BOD
2008-09—CNE President-Elect
2009-11—CNE President
2007-14—Program & Registration Chair, CNE Annual Convention
2014-Present—General Chairperson, CNE Annual Convention
2008-13—Member, Region I Council
2010-Present, Region I Seminar Committee—Registration/Attendance
2013-Present—Region I Director
2009-12—ASCLS Annual Meeting Delegate
2012-Present—Attendee, Legislative Symposium
2013-Present, Region I Director, ASCLS Board of Directors

Statement of Philosophy:
Having served for a term as Region I Director, it is my desire to continue to serve on this board. I have learned a tremendous amount from my fellow board members and colleagues, and feel that I would continue to grow and better serve our membership.  The causes that are so vital to our members need to continue to be addressed and resolved. I would consider it a privilege to once again work collaboratively with not just the members of Region I, but with all members of ASCLS. As an educator, I continue to be dedicated to fostering students and new profesisonals.  They are the future of this profession and this organizaiton, and thus are essential to our mission.  It would be an honor to continue my service to our society by representing ASCLS Region I as director.

Office:  Region VII Director

Lynda Britton

Britton Apr 16--Reg 7 Dir CandidateCity/State:  Shreveport, LA

Member:  Since 1976

Education:  B.S. Medical Technology, University of Texas-Arlingon; M.A. Management & Supervision, Central Michigan University; PhD Currciulum & Instruction, Louisiana State University

Certification:  CLS(NCA), MLS(ASCP)CM

Employment:  Professor & Clinical Coordinator, LSU Health Sciences Center, Shreveport, LA

Society Participation:
2011-15—attended LA-MS Bi-State Meeting
2010-11, 2014-15—LA-MS Bi-State Meeting Program Chair, Co-Chair
2010, 2011, 2013, 2016—Speaker, LA-MS Bi-State Meeting
2010-15—Attendee, Region VII Caucus Meeting at ASCLS Annual Meeting

2011-15—Attendee-Annual Meeting
2011—Chair, Annual Meeting Steering Committee
2011-Present—Member, Vice-Chair, Chair—Product Development Committee
2011—Delegate to Annual Meeting
2012—Delegate Alternate to Annual Meeting
2013-Present—Chair,Vice-Chair--Microbiology & Public Health S.A.

Statement of Philosophy:
As an ASCLS member for forty years, I have served this organization in many capacities from local to national roles. It would be a great honor and responsibility to represent the members of Region VII. While I have spent most of my time in Louisiana, I have also been an active member of the Texas and Oklahoma societies. My goals would be to increase and maintain membership while invigorating the states within the region needing help. Membership in ASCLS has always been an important part of my life.  I hope to be an able communicator from the states to the national level. Communication is instrumental to keeping ASCLS the preeminent laboratory professional organization.  Regional Directors are a key component to that process.

Office:  Region VII Director

Claude A. Rector

Rector Apr 16-Reg 7 Candidate-RectorCity/State:  Helena, AR

Member:  Since 2008

Education:  B.S. Microbiology, University of Arkansas; M.A. Microbiology, University of Arkansas

Certification:  MLS(ASCP)CM

Employment:  MLT & Phlebotomy Program Director, Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas

Society Participation:
2013-15—President, ASCLS Arkansas
2013-15—Co-Chair, Arkansas State Laboratory Conferences
2013-2015 Co-Chair—Arkansas Laboratory Student Quiz Bowls
2011-13—President-Elect—ASCLS Arkansas
2012-14—Attendee-Region VII Caucus Meetings at ASCLS Annual Meetings
2012-14—ASCLS Arkansas Delegate, Annual Meeting Attendee
2011-13—Attendee Member-ASCLS CLEC
2013—Member-Body of Knowledge Workgroups

Statement of Philosophy:
I accepted the Region VII Director nomination to hopefully help change a former member’s opinion.  During my first year as President of the ASCLS Arkansas society, I received an email from a former member of our society. He shared that the most important benefit of membership was networking with like-minded professionals and supporting students. He continued to write that in his forty-seven years as a laboratory professional, there was not much he had not seen.  As I questioned why this gentleman was no longer a member of our society, he gave me his answer.  After working as a traveling laboratory professional in ten states, he found little in the way of recruitment efforts. The second thing he found was that most of his coworkers belonged to their certifying organization if they were members of a professional society at all.  His final concern was that our profession is splintered into too many competing professional organizations.  My stance is that all starts with the clinical laboratory student. They are the best hope to change the future direction of our society. Our goal should be to mentor them, be an example to them, and challenge them to make the future of our profession stronger.

Office:  Region VIII Director

Holly Weinberg

Weinberg Apr 16-Reg 8 RD Candidate-WeinbergCity/State:  Superior, MT

Member:  Since 2000

Education:  B.S. Bio/Chem/Med Tech, Whitworth University

Certification:  MT(ASCP); SH(ASCP)

Employment:  Retired

Society Participation:
2008-14—Coordinator, ASCLS Idaho P.A.C.E.®
2010-12—Chair, ASCLS Idaho Convention Planning Committee, Programs
2010-12—President-Elect, President, Past President—ASCLS Idaho
2009-11—Secretary, Region VIII Council
2011-12—Member, Region VIII Council
2012-13—Chair, Intermountain States Seminar Planning Committee; P.A.C.E.®
2012-Present—Chair, Region VIII Membership Development
2013-Present—Coordinator, Region VIII Leadership Academy
2014-15-Chair, Intermountain State Seminar Planning Committee, Programs
2006-12—Member, ASCLS Bylaws Committee
2011-12 - Chair, ASCLS Bylaws Committee
2012-Present—Member, Membership Development Committee
2012—Member, ASCLS Committee Restructure Task Force
2013-Present—Member, ASCLS Judicial Committee
2014-Present—Chair, Membership Committee

Statement of Philosophy:
As Region VIII Director, my goal would be to work with our regional leadership to recruit new members, retain current members, and strengthen our constituent societies. The Region Director is the crucial link between the state/local level, the regional level, and the national level. Communication and engagement are critical to our success and something I intend to focus on if given the opportunity to serve in this position.  I believe that ASCLS needs to project a more vibrant image to our members and potential members to stay viable. We need to show that not only do we provide many valuable resources for our members, we can also have fun while accomplishing our goals. We must revitalize our image and become something that our young professionals want to be a part of. My leadership style is collaborative; working together as a team to identify strengths and arrive at creative solutions.  There are many diverse strengths across our membership and there are many exciting things happening across our constituent societies and in particular, Region VIII. By working together, we can draw on these strengths, share the great ideas, and be the organization that makes our laboratory professionals say – Count Me In!

Office:  Nominations Committee

Karen Chandler

Chandler Apr 16-Nom Comm-City/State:  McAllen, TX

Member:  Since 1974

Education:  B.S. Medical Technology, Purdue University; M.A. Allied Health Education, Central Michigan University

Certification:  MLS(ASCP)CM

Employment:  Retired

Society Participation:
2010-15—Member—Attendee TX Annual Meeting
2009-10—President-Elect, TACLS
2010-11—President, TACLS
2011-13—Past President, TACLS
2015-16—Member, Leadership Development Committee—TACLS

2010-11—Member, Region VII Council
2012-Present—Region VII Director
2010-11—Member/Chair, CEAC
2011-12—Chair, AMSC
2012-Present—Member, ASCLS Board of Directors
2010-11, 2013-15-Annual Meeting Delegate
2012—Annual Meeting Delegate Alternate

Statement of Philosophy:
I believe that it is my duty as a Medical Laboratory Scientist to give back to my profession. An important way to do this is through active participation in the ASCLS Nominations Committee. This committee serves an important role in identifying well-qualified candidates for positions within the organization. It is important to help shape the future of the profession through this process. If we are not involved in shaping the future, then others may do it for us and that future may not be where the profession needs to be.  Membership brings a responsibility to serve and to take part in society activities. I have been a member of ASCLS for most of my professional career. During that time, I have served in a variety of positions in three states as well as at the national level. This has given me the opportunity to grow professionally and to develop leadership skills that have translated into other areas of my life. As a member of the Nominations Committee, I would like to help identify well-qualified candidates who represent the diverse nature of our profession.

Office:  Nominations Committee

K. Lindsey Davenport-Landry

Davenport Apr 16-Nom Comm Candidate-Davenport-LandryCity/State:  North Liberty, IA

Member:  Since 2006

Education:  B.S. CLS, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine; M.S. CLS, Rutgers

Certification:  MLS(ASCP)CM

Employment:  Hematology and Transfusion Services Supervisor, Veterans Affairs; Iowa City, IA

Society Participation:
2006-11—Chair, Member, New Professionals Committee
2006-12—Member, Membership Services Committee
2012—Past President
2014-15—Chair, Membership Services Committee
2010-11—Member, Council Board
2007-11—Member, New Professionals Committee
2008-10, 2012-15—ASCLS Annual Meeting Delegate
2009-12—Member, Membership Services Committee
2010-12—Member, Millennial Retention Task Force
2011—Member, Annual Meeting HOD Minutes Committee
2012-Present—Member, Product Development Committee
2013—Member, Member of the Year Task Force
2014—Member, Update to Geriatric Position Paper

Statement of Philosophy:
The Clinical Laboratory is a key component to healthcare.  From one end of the spectrum to the other, patients and providers rely on accurate information provided by skilled Laboratory Professionals. These professionals must be recognized through all phases of their professional careers.  As a leader, I aim to perpetuate the voice of the Clinical Laboratory Professional through savvy recruiting and demonstrating my strong personal feelings toward the profession. I hope to enhance retention of members by ensuring that the top performers are well recognized and are truly thanked for their eff orts in research, clinical work, or direct patient care. Additionally, I seek to foster new leaders through professional networking to help aid in the creation of a more unifi ed profession. I want those around me to feel the same passion I experience every day.

Office:  Nominations Committee

Sharon Ziemba

Ziemba Apr 16-Nom Comm-ZiembaCity/State:  Novi, MI

Member:  Since 2004

Education:  B.S. Clinical Laboratory Science, Wayne State University; M.S. Health Care Administration, Central Michigan University

Certification:  MLS(ASCP)CMSBBCM

Employment:  Medical Technologist II, Education Coordinator, Beaumont Hospitals, Royal Oak, MI

Society Participation:
2010-11—Chair, State Meeting Sponsorship Committee
2010-11—Judge, Undergraduate/Graduate Research Posters
2010-11—Secretary, Michigan Board of Directors
2010-11—Chair, Scientifi c Assembly
2012-16—Chair, Immunohematology/Immunology S.A.
2013, 2015—Speaker, ASCLS MI Annual Meeting
2004-2013, 2015—Attendee, ASCLS MI Annual Meeting
2004-15—Member, Attendee—Region IV Caucus
2004-15—Attendee-ASCLS Annual Meeting
2004-13—Delegate, ASCLS Annual Meeting
2008-10—Co-Chair, Membership Committee
2009-11—Member, Millennial Retention Task Force
2010-11—Member, Professional Response Team
2010-12—Member, Membership Committee
2012-14—Vice-Chair, Immunohematology/Immunology S.A.
2012-15—Member, Professional Development Committee
2014-15—Delegate Alternate, ASCLS Annual Meeting
2014-16—Chair, Immunohematology/Immunology S.A.

Statement of Philosophy:
For the past 11 years, I have been very fortunate to work with so many hardworking and dedicated professionals within ASCLS. Since my days as a student member, I have served on a variety of committees, task forces, and held various board of director positions at the state, regional, and national levels.The Nominations Committee plays an integral role in finding future leaders who can continue to serve the members of ASCLS in new capacities. I would be honored to help identify and encourage our future ASCLS leadership as a potential member of the Nominations Committee.

Office:  Judicial Committee

Joan Gilstrap

Gilstrap Apr 16-Jud Comm Candidate-GilstrapCity/State:  Billings, MT

Member:  Since 1991

Education:  B.S. Medical Technology, Northwest Missouri State University

Certification:  MT(ASCP)

Employment:  Consulting Technologist, Billings Clinic, Billings, MT

Society Participation:
2007-09—President-Elect, President, Past President, Montana Society
2010-11—Secretary, Montana Society
2012-14—Awards & Scholarship, Montana Society
2001-06—Member—IMSS Coordinating Committee
2011-13—Region VIII Council Member
2013-Present—Region VIII Director
2001-09, 2011-15—Attendee-Fall Region VIII Meetings
2007-09, 2011-15—Attendee—Region VIII Spring Meetings
2003, 2007-09, 2011-15—Attendee—Region VIII Summer Meetings
2011-13—Member, Leadership Development Committee
2013-Present—Region VIII Director
2013-Present—Member, ASCLS Board of Directors
2003, 2007-09, 2011-12—ASCLS Annual Meeting Delegate

Statement of Philosophy:
As a member of ASCLS involved at the state, regional and national level, I appreciate the bylaws governing the rules adopted by our organization. Recently updated bylaws at our state and regional level have helped
me understand this importance.  Through experience with regulations of CLIA, COLA and CAP, I have gained knowledge interpreting guidelines to understand their meaning or purpose.  Many times things come up that need to be researched and opinions or clarifi cation given.  I believe the ASCLS Judicial Committee uses sound judgment to carefully weigh issues brought forth for review. By working as a committee and team to review, inquire, and deliberate I think resolution with the correct outcome is achieved. If elected I would be committed with impartiality and diligence to help reach the appropriate judgment for the situation.

Office:  Judicial Committee

James T. Griffith

Griffith Apr 16-Jud Comm Candidate-GriffithCity/State:  Dartmouth, MA

Member:  Since 1970; Student Member 1967

Education:  B.S. Medical Technology, SMTI; M.S. Medical Laboratory Science, SMU; PhD Medical Microbiology, WU

Certification:  CLS(NCA)

Employment:  President, Forensic DNA Associates, Dartmouth, MA

Society Participation:
2004-08—Chair, Government Affairs Committee
2005-09—Member, Region I Council (Ex-Officio ASCLS GAC Advisor)
2005-Present—Advisor, Government Affairs Committee
2005-14—Annual Meeting Delegate

Statement of Philosophy:
In my activity with and for ASCLS for the past 48 years, I have sought to empower the average member as well as the many thousands of professionals who work every day as scientists in our fi eld. I have believed through all this time that the best way to do that is to have ASCLS committees (at all levels) as well as ASCLS constituent societies be in the best position to do what they do. This has all been born out in my experiences during the time I served as Massachusetts (now Central New England) President (two terms), Region I Director (two terms) and ASCLS President (1999-2000). When I served as the Chairperson of several ASCLS Committees, I made use of the Judicial Committee and always found their guidance valuable and helpful to our mission. I hope to repeat that in my own term on this committee.

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