Educators are the first and most impactful influencers on future professionals. The Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference is the single largest gathering of clinical laboratory educators with more than 500 attendees each year.  As ASCLS shifts to an entirely virtual CLEC experience, we anticipate larger than normal attendance. Participants include a critical mass of thought leadership from hospital and college/university-based educational programs for clinical laboratory scientists, clinical laboratory technicians, Masters, PhD, and DCLS-level programs, including department chairs, program directors, faculty members, education coordinators, clinical coordinators, and advisers.

Educators and industry have mutual interest in advancing and impacting the profession. In partnership, laboratory science educators and industry both bring value to an environment of learning, creativity, and innovation. The goals of our 37th annual conference include enhancing instructional skills, developing innovative teaching techniques, and identifying trends and strategies to manage the changing profession. All industry partners are full registrants and encouraged to attend educational sessions that impact their diagnostic area or any area of interest. Partners are welcome to engage in conversations throughout the virtual space and online communities and participate in social activities.

CLEC Partner Engagement Opportunities

Traditional approaches where salespeople sit in a segregated (albeit virtual) exhibit hall waiting for customers to wander by will not work. Successful companies and organizations will engage meeting attendees where they are, which includes educational programming, networking opportunities, and social events. The partner listing in the digital meeting hub should be used to give attendees access to key information directly and provide a means for further engagement, either through a virtual meeting room hosted by industry partners or a custom microsite that can be used to track engagement and facilitate remarketing.

Engagement packages are designed to be right-sized and all-inclusive for any industry partner’s needs. However, we anticipate that some individual companies will have unique needs that require custom solutions. ASCLS is pleased to work with partners to develop customized solutions that meet the partner’s business goals for their investment and participation.

Budget Package - $850 Investment

  • Includes one full registration ($445 value). Industry partners are encouraged to participate fully in the meeting, including educational programming, social and networking events.
  • May purchase one additional full registration at member, early-bird rate ($445).
  • Participate in the CLEC attendee online community on ASCLS Connect.
  • Basic partner listing in Event App.
  • Perfect for recruiters, educational institutions, and non-profits
  • Only one Budget Package available per organization.

Standard Package - $1,400 Investment

  • Includes two full meeting registrations ($890 value). Industry partners are encouraged to participate fully in the meeting, including educational programming, social/networking events, and online communities.
  • May purchase two additional full registrations at member, early-bird rate ($445).
  • Includes one notification sent directly to attendees (via Event app) with content of the partners choosing, sent at a time chosen by the partner.
  • Eligible to purchase any available Commercial Symposia slots for $750. Symposia are promoted by meeting organizers with mobile application alerts, are included in the meeting schedule and are open to all attendees.
  • Enhanced Exhibitor Listing in the Event app.
  • Eligible to purchase flyer distribution for inclusion in the CLEC Kit (shipped to all early CLEC Registrants) at a discounted price of $350 ($450 value)
  • Recognition of company name on virtual session Walk-In Slides

Premium Package - $1,950 Investment (limited number available)

  • Includes two full meeting registrations ($890 value) and the option to purchase additional registrations at a discounted rate of $295 each. Industry partners are encouraged to participate fully in the meeting, including educational programming, social/networking events, and online communities.
  • Includes three notifications sent directly to attendees (via Event app) with content of the partners choosing, sent at a time chosen by the partner
  • Complimentary inclusion of one printed brochure or flyer in the CLEC Kits mailed to all meeting pre-registrants and includes the exclusive option for Premium partners to include a small, branded item (at their own cost of production and shipping to the distribution warehouse)
  • Enhanced Exhibitor Listing in the attendee app
  • Premium partners have the option of including a rotating banner ad that runs within the Event app
  • Includes enhanced branding and recognition on walk-in slides with color company logos
  • Right of first refusal on purchase of a time slot for 30-minute Commercial Symposium at the discounted rate of $500 ($750 value) that runs in a standard educational virtual meeting room unopposed by CE. Symposia are promoted by meeting organizers with mobile application alerts, are included in the meeting schedule and are open to all attendees.
  • Post meeting follow up email sent to all attendees by ASCLS on behalf of the partner. 

Package Add-Ons and Enhancements

Available Only to Standard and Premium Packages

Commercial Symposia ($750 for Standard Packages, $500 for Premium Packages): These 30-minute sessions run during dedicated industry engagement time (unopposed education time) in our webinar rooms. ASCLS includes these sessions in the Event app.

Sponsorships are an excellent way to raise awareness of brands, products and initiatives through high-profile presence at key locations or events. Interested organizations/institutions/companies can contribute to the conference while increasing visibility and name recognition for themselves and helping achieve business objectives.

Presenting Sponsor ($5,000): The presenting sponsor is entitled to a suite of customized visibility opportunities including identification as “presented by” and the logo of choice on outbound email communication (>100,000 impressions), social media promotion (>50,000 impressions), websites (>25,000), branded background for all moderators/hosts and logo on the outside of the CLEC Kit. Limited to one sponsor.

Friday Evening Reception ($2,000): Social activity customized to partner’s objectives.  Recognition of the sponsor is provided via color logo on event listing and within the session introduction. Sponsor representatives are invited to give up to a five-minute welcome during the event. Limited to one sponsor.

Flyer Distribution ($450): Distribute printed materials to all pre-registrants via the CLEC kit. This is an excellent way to promote activities within a partner’s display or to promote upcoming Commercial Symposium. Discounted price of $350 for Standard Package, complimentary with Premium Package.

Education Session Support

Opening/Closing Keynote ($3,000 each): All attendees are together for the Keynote sessions. The Keynote sponsor will be invited to welcome attendees and present a short (less than 60 second) message.

Poster Sessions ($1,000, three available): Sponsor name recognition and logo is provided in the session listing within the schedule and recognition of sponsorship is included in the host’s comments at the beginning and end of the session.

Concurrent Sessions ($1,000): Sponsor name recognition is provided on the introductory slide and recognition of sponsorship is included in the host’s comments at the beginning and end of the educational session.

Enduring Materials ($1,000): Concurrent educational programming is being recorded to make available to attendees and non-attendees (for purchase) after the event. Sponsored enduring materials, hosted in the ASCLS learning management system are made available for free for a year, allowing sponsors to promote content to their larger customer base. Enduring materials sponsors are acknowledged at the beginning and end of the enduring materials and in the online listing.

Partner Listing (Basic and Enhanced)

  • Basic listing includes company name, company address, one phone number, company website, company description and attachment of one PDF.
  • Enhanced listing includes features of basic listing plus company logo, social media info (Facebook URL, LinkedIn, Twitter, & YouTube), intro video (link embedded into listing), up to four file attachments (PDFs) and ability to include one URL for Live Meeting opportunities (URL to company meeting room).

CLEC Kit: The CLEC Kit is a package delivered to all early meeting registrants that will include meeting branded items, materials for group activities, and printed materials from partners. Premium partners can arrange to include their own small, branded item for delivery to hundreds of early registrants.

Push Notifications: Push notifications allow for short, very visible messaging sent directly to the attendees to spur actions that include pushing a visit to a virtual meeting room or reinforce sponsorship value by encouraging attendance at sponsored events. Standard Packages include one push notification and Premium Packages include three push notifications.

Targeted Connections: All partners have access to all attendees via the Event App, which allows for a virtual connection and appointment setting during the conference. The listing also remains after the conference for easy reference and follow-up.

Attendees will be able to identify the investment levels of our partners via distinct sponsorship tags. Recognition of total investment, including sponsorships and engagement packages, is offered at the following levels:

Maxima Cum Laude – Total Investment of $7,500 and greater

Summa Cum Laude – Total Investment between $5,000 and $7,499

Magna Cum Laude – Total Investment between $2,000 and $4,999

Cum Laude – Total investment up to $1,999

The center of the meeting is a digital hub with attendees and partners mutually finding ways to engage outside the traditional parameters of a live meeting. Attendees and partners can engage throughout the duration of the meeting.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

  • 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. New Educator Workshop
  • 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Industry Engagement, Coffee with NAACLS
  • 12:45 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Welcome, Updates, followed by Opening Keynote Session
  • 2:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Educational programming, Industry Engagement, Networking
  • 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Happy Hour

Friday, February 26, 2021

  • 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Educational programming, Industry Engagement, Networking
  • 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Reception: Social Activity, Networking, Industry Engagement

Saturday, February 27, 2021

  • 9:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Concurrent programming
  • 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Closing Keynote

*All Times Central

CLEC Kit Commitments: To be included in the CLEC Kit, commitments must be received by Friday, January 22, 2021.

CLEC Kit Shipment: Items to be included in the CLEC Kit must be received by the close of business on Friday, January 29, 2021.