Acute Myeloid Leukemia Workup, Management, and Prognosis with Dr. John McClure

John McClure


A low predisposition risk patient in his 20s arrives at urgent care with fever and fatigue. Diagnosis? Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). In this podcast, we speak with Dr. John McClure about case management of a patient with AML. Dr. McClure walks us through the lab testing necessary to identify AML, the best- and worst-case scenarios for patient outcomes, and where a medical technologist fits into the process.


  1. Differentiate between the peripheral blood hematology findings in acute versus chronic leukemia.
  2. List predisposing factors for patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
  3. Correlate how molecular and cytogenetic abnormalities contribute to the prognosis and response to treatment in patients with AML.
  4. List indications for a bone marrow transplant.


Dr. John S. McClure is a pathologist in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area. He has been in practice for more than 20 years and his prior accomplishments include being a course director at the University of Minnesota in Lab Medicine and Pathology and a medical director at various hospital and clinical laboratories around the Twin Cities Area. He’s always wanted to be a professional brewer or bagpipe player but couldn’t cut it in either field so he settled for hematopathology.


Dunford, A. et. Al. Tumor suppressor genes that escape from X-inactivation contribute to cancer sex bias. Nature Genetics. 2017. 49(1): 10-16.

Soos, M.P., et. Al. Blue-green neutrophilic inclusion bodies in the critically ill patient. Clinical Case Reports. 2019. 7: 1249-1252.

JAM Registration Scholarship


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Join Us for the 2020 Joint Annual Meeting, June 28 - July 2! 

The 2020 Joint Annual Meeting (JAM) will feature a whole new experience for attendees.

Laboratory professionals and colleagues will come together virtually to learn from one another and network.

The educational program will include over 60 presentations.

Attendees will be able to engage with industry, educational programs and employers, as well as discover the latest in laboratory technology. 


The Ascending and Developing Professionals Forums serve to engage and inform individuals within ASCLS that are in those membership categories about the various opportunities that ASCLS  membership affords.  The Forums are responsible for assuring that the activities of the society address the needs and interests of clinical laboratory science professionals in the early stages of their careers. 

These scholarships were created by the Ascending and Developing Professional Forums because they understand that there is a need for forum members to have affordable access to continuing education.  This need is greater now with the current economic climate than ever before. 

 Available Scholarships

A minimum of 75 scholarships to cover the cost of Early Bird registration to the 2020 Joint Annual Meeting will be awarded.

Deadline for Submission:  Friday, May 22, 2020

 To be considered for a scholarship, each applicant must:

  • Be a current ASCLS Developing Professional or Ascending Professionals member as of 4/30/20.

Preference is given to the following:

  • Members who have experienced a financial hardship themselves or in their households in the last 6 months.
  • Members who have never attended the national Annual Meeting. 

NOTE: All applicants will be ranked and scholarships will be awarded based on the aforementioned preferences.

Preregistration for the 2020 JAM is not required to be eligible for the scholarship.  If you already registered, a refund will be issued to reimburse your registration fee. If you haven't registered prior to being awarded, you will be issued a discount code to register with.

Ascending and Developing Professional Forum JAM Registration Scholarships

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