ASCLS Recruitment Toolkit Quick Guide
The 2007-2008 ASCLS Leadership Academy has assembled this kit to help your recruitment efforts. Use the tools in the kit to bring prospective members into the ASCLS family!


A sure attention grabber, this professionally-produced video is a fast-paced introduction to the benefits of becoming an ASCLS member. A great tool to kickoff local membership drives, introduce students to ASCLS, or draw attention to other highimpact projects!

Membership Matters


Everything you want to know about ASCLS past, present, and future can be found in these informative presentations. Choose the full presentation or one of the "mini” slideshows for your next meeting, or set one up as a continuously-running, informational kiosk at your next state convention. And the best part? You can insert your own organization’s slides in to further personalize your
message! What could be better?

Quick Guide
Benefits Matters
History Matters
Legislation Matters
Membership Matters


Perfect take-aways from any gettogether! Each of the five brochures highlights a different aspect of membership in ASCLS, focusing on continuing education, legislation, leadership, involvement, and networking. These are great to pass along at state and local meetings, or any other venue with
prospective members!

User's Guide
Continuing Education