The Clinical Laboratory Educators' Conference (CLEC) is a partnership between you, other faculty, the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS), and its CLEC Steering Committee to provide continuing education and networking opportunities for lab administrators, directors, supervisors, staff, educators, students and others in the field of clinical laboratory science.  We are eager to publicize your participation in the CLEC program.  We appreciate both your cooperation in providing necessary information and your compliance with all program deadlines.  Please review the following information, and submit your electronic signature by September 23, 2020.  By submitting your information below, you understand and accept the terms of your participation as stated in this agreement.  If you have any questions, please email

This agreement confirms that the presenter will:

  • Plan and present the CLEC session described in your speaker invitation email.  Faculty online agreement must be received by Wednesday, September 23, 2020.  If it is not received by this date, you may be required to forfeit this speaking invitation.
  • Submit one original of all handout materials by February 5, 2021.
  • Submit one original PowerPoint presentation by February 5, 2021.
  • Provide ASCLS with written permission for any copyrighted materials not owned by the speaker, which are included in the speaker’s presentation and handouts. Beyond “fair use,” copyrighted materials must not be included in presentations or handouts without written permission from copyright holders. Faculty member agrees to indemnify and hold ASCLS harmless against any claims relating to copyright infringement.
  • Faculty member agrees to provide ASCLS with an unlimited, non-exclusive license to record, store, and distribute content delivered by faculty members as part of this presenter agreement.

ASCLS will provide the following:

  • Distribution of handout materials as stipulated in the Presenter Guidelines and Information.
  • Uploading of presentation to AV equipment prior to speaker's session (if submitted to ASCLS by February 5, 2021)


  • Please review the guidelines outlined here: CLEC 2021 Presenter Guidelines

  • GENERAL SESSIONS and BREAKOUT SESSIONS (including Speed Learning Sessions):  
    • These sessions are open to all conference attendees and qualify for P.A.C.E.® continuing education credits.
    • Meeting rooms will be equipped with an LCD projector, a screen, cables, a laptop and passable microphone (for attendee use). Please notify Michael Cubbage at by January 15, 2021 if you require any equipment other than the items indicated above.  It will not be possible to make equipment changes on site. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.
    • Most sessions will be set classroom style (tables and chairs) with the possible exception of the general sessions which may be set theater (chairs only).  
    • Faculty will receive registration discounts or honoraria as stipulated in individual presenter invitations.
  • LODGING:  
    • ASCLS provides a mobile meeting app and website, where your electronic handout will be posted.  This enables participants to preview all sessions and pre-print their own handouts. Submit handouts via CLEC Speaker Presentation website by February 5, 2021.
    • In order to ensure audio and visual success, ASCLS requires that one PowerPoint presentation be submitted via the CLEC Speaker Presentation website by February 5, 2021.  The slides should be uploaded as a .ppt or .pptx file.  Please do not submit slides in PDF format.  Should you update your PowerPoint presentation after February 5, 2021, you are responsible for bringing the updated version on a USB thumb drive.


The possibility for bias or a conflict of interest occurs when the financial interests of a speaker/author potentially preclude an unbiased, scientific presentation of a subject. The disclosure of possible conflict of interest is requested not to censor or exclude speakers, but to inform the audience so they may decide for themselves whether or not a presentation is biased. Information from this declaration will be disclosed to participants as follows: “Dr. Smith has research support from ABC Technology, Inc.” but will not be used to exclude speakers from an activity.

ASCLS requires all speakers in accredited Continuing Education Activities to disclose any possible bias or conflict of interest regarding the topic that is being presented. A conflict of interest is defined as any financial interest of the speaker in a company's products or services discussed in the presentation. For example, if the speaker (1) holds stock in the company, (2) is paid salary or consultant fees by the company, (3) has grant support from the company, and/or (4) has received support for travel expenses, honoraria, etc., from the company, a conflict of interest exists regarding this topic and must be reported. If the speaker has a financial interest in a company but is not discussing a product or service of that company, no conflict of interest must be disclosed. 

ASCLS reserves the right to cancel this agreement if faculty fails to submit the agreement and other appropriate course information by the specified date.

The foregoing is in accordance with my understanding of our agreement.  Amendments or changes to this agreement must be made in writing and must be signed by all parties.  


Note: You must complete all REQUIRED fields and hit the SUBMIT button (at the bottom of this page) in order for your information to be captured. Upon successful submission, you will receive a confirmation email.

Presenter Information

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Limit to highest advanced degree earned and one certification of your choice. Board of Certification (BOC) credentials must be consistent with BOC guidelines -

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List your professional affiliation as you would like it to appear in the program (Note: only one institution or company name will be listed in the program.) Please only list your institution; do not include your title.

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Please provide a mailing address for official speaker correspondence (street address, city, state & zip)

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This image will be uploaded to our event app and associated with your speaker profile. Some images will be used on our website to highlight sessions.

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This background information will be used to introduce you at the beginning of your presentation so please write this in the third person. Provide pertinent information (experience, research, publications or presentations) that relates to this session/topic. Please limit introduction information to 50 words or less.

Presentation Information

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Please indicate whether you will be able to participate in person, virtually or in either in format.

Presenter Note: If you are co-presenting or presenting with 2 or more individuals, please coordinate with your fellow presenters on this session to submit one session description and one set of learning objectives. If conflicting information is received, we will default to the content submitted by the original proposal submitter

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Limit to 50 characters. Please exclude all special characters, such as !, ?, &, $.

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Be as specific as possible. Presentation description must be limited to 50 words or less. This description will appear in the program brochure and promotional materials.

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Provide 3 different learning objectives for your presentation by completing this sentence: “At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to….” Learning objectives must be measurable, so please begin with words like “Identify”, "describe", “classify”, “summarize”, etc. Please refrain from beginning objectives with the verbs "understand," "learn" or "know."

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Disclosure of Conflicts

The possibility for bias or a conflict of interest occurs when the financial interests of a speaker/author potentially preclude an unbiased, scientific presentation of a subject. The disclosure of possible conflict of interest is requested not to censor or exclude speakers, but to inform the audience so they may decide for themselves whether or not a presentation is biased. Information from this declaration will be disclosed to participants as follows: “Dr. Smith has research support from ABC Technology, Inc.” but will not be used to exclude speakers from an activity. ASCLS requires all speakers in accredited Continuing Education Activities to disclose any possible bias or conflict of interest regarding the topic that is being presented.

A conflict of interest is defined as any financial interest of the speaker in a company's products or services discussed in the presentation. For example, if the speaker (1) directly holds stock in the company (not including mutual funds), (2) is paid salary or consultant fees by the company, (3) has grant support from the company, and/or (4) has received support for travel expenses, honoraria, etc., from the company, a conflict of interest exists regarding this topic and must be reported. If the speaker has a financial interest in a company but is not discussing a product or service of that company, no conflict of interest must be disclosed. Please select the appropriate statement below as it relates to the topic of your presentation within the preceding 12 months :

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Presenter Agreement

By submitting this form, you are agreeing that you understand and accept the terms of your participation as stated in this agreement, financial disclosure and the Presenter Guidelines & Information.