As the 2016-2017 ASCLS Student Forum Officers we would like to introduce ourselves.


My name is Savannah McPherson, and I will be serving as your 2016-2017 Student Forum Chair. I am thrilled to be able to serve ASCLS in this capacity but also to serve you, the future of Clinical Laboratory Science(CLS). I was eager to join ASCLS as soon as I became a CLS student at Virginia Commonwealth University in August, 2015, having enrolled after realizing CLS was a perfect blend of science and service that appealed to my kinesthetic nature. So far, I have been able to serve the Clinical Lab community as a Student Ambassador for our local society: Richmond Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, the President of my CLS Class, a tutor for my program, and as a Health Committee member focused on point-of-care test administration for a low-income population through the VCU/MCV Wellness Block Party. I have enjoyed being able to travel with my school to talk about CLS to High School and College students looking for their future career paths, and I hope to continue doing so well into the future. Outside of lab, I enjoy relaxing by watching cartoons, drawing and doodling, taking long drives just listening to music, hiking, making paper crafts, and baking. You are the future of ASCLS and the Laboratory Community, so remember that the choices you make now, especially in the face of the changing political and legal realm surrounding the profession, will shape that future. I look forward to serving you and will work hard to make sure 2016-2017 is a great one!

Hello student members of ASCLS! 

My name is Nicole (Niki) Buza and I am honored and excited to become your 2016-17 Student Forum Vice-Chair. I began my involvement with ASCLS in 2013 during my internship for my MLT degree and have been lucky to grow my leadership abilities through ASCLS as both a student and new professional. I received my phlebotomy certificate in 2010 and my A.A.S. as an MLT in 2013, both from Northcentral Technical College in Wausau, WI. I knew from my Lab Skills class that I wanted to become a lab tech. I’ve been working as a generalist MLT since my graduation and absolutely LOVE this profession. I’ve also always had the desire to teach and, therefore, I need to continue to learn and grow as I aim for that goal. I am finishing my Bachelor’s degree through UW-Stevens Point and completing my clinicals at the UW-Health University Hospital in Madison, WI. Since joining ASCLS I was given the amazing opportunity to serve last year as the ASCLS Region V Student Forum Representative and the ASCLS-WI Student Forum Chair. This year my leadership roles will include: Student Forum Vice-Chair, Phlebotomy Scientific Assembly Chair, ASCLS-WI New Member/New Professional Forum Chair, and also a student member of the Promotion of the Profession committee. If you want to get more involved in the organization, please don’t hesitate to ask how – we’re here to help and be your go-to people. There are amazing opportunities all over ASCLS, so make sure you take a chance and go for them - I promise that you won’t regret it!

Hola a todos!

I’m Maria Rodriguez, and am honored to be serving as your Student Forum Secretary and Region VIII student Rep. I am originally from Venezuela, but I have been in the States since 2013. My decision of pursuing a CLS/MLS career goes back to when I was 10 years old. My cousin was misdiagnosed with Leukemia and it was too hard for me to see him suffer. With my degree, I want to seek for a way to improve diagnosis of diseases that affect people in poverty and lack of awareness from communities like the one I lived in. I am pursuing my dream at Montana State University, where I am also pursuing a Genetics minor and a Leadership certification. Joining ASCLS was the best decision I could’ve made. ASCLS opened so many doors for me and it has given me the opportunity to serve the clinical laboratory community. Outside of the CLS/MLS, I love getting involved with my community; in fact, one of my goals every semester is to dedicate 80 hours to community service. During my college career, I have been fortunate enough to find wonderful mentors who welcomed me into their Lab, where I have been working on heavy metal exposure and its effects in epigenetics modifications. As an officer of the Student Forum, I hope I can be there to guide students into the best resources of this field. I also would love to reach out to mentors, instructors and professors and let them know that, as students, sometimes we need an extra push. Don’t underestimate the power of mentorship!