ASCLS Today Volume 32 Number 7

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Volume 32, Number 7


At the Annual Meeting in June 2019, ASCLS delegates will choose from the candidates who have volunteered to serve in leadership positions for the coming year. This is one of the many benefits and responsibilities of belonging to a grassroots organization: being able to both VOTE FOR, and BE CONSIDERED AS A CANDIDATE FOR, these positions.

The Nominations Committee seeks those interested in serving in an elected position beginning in June 2019. Please review the leadership positions and consider if you, or someone you know, should be nominated for one of these positions. Self-nominations are welcome. To offer suggestions and make nominations, contact the Nominations Committee chair by December 31, 2018.

President-Elect (3-year commitment, automatically succeeding to President and Past President)
Eligibility: Professional and emeritus members of this Society are eligible to hold office provided they have been a member for at least five (5) consecutive years immediately prior to election, and have held office or membership on the Board of Directors either in this Society or in a constituent society, and must have been a delegate to the national meeting three (3) of the last five (5) years.

Duties: Become familiar with the duties of the office of the president; assist the president as directed and in the absence of the president preside at meetings of the Board of Directors; in the event of a vacancy in the office of the president, serve as the president; serve as a member of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee; chair the Committee on Long Range Planning and the Appointments Committee; serve on the Annual Meeting Steering Committee.

Secretary/Treasurer (1-year term)
Eligibility: Professional and emeritus members of this Society are eligible to hold office provided they have been a member for at least five (5) consecutive years immediately prior to election, and have held office or membership on the Board of Directors either in this Society or in a constituent society, and must have been a delegate to the national meeting three (3) of the last five (5) years.

Duties: The secretary/treasurer serves as secretary at all meetings of the Board of Directors, House of Delegates, and administers the House Minutes Committee. When serving as treasurer: assures receipt and expenditure of Society funds according to Society policies; ensures that all accounts of the Society are audited annually or as needed; assures annual financial reports are submitted to the House of Delegates; serves as a member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee; chairs the Finance Committee of the ASCLS Board of Directors; and serves as a member of committees or as liaison to committees as assigned by the president.

Region Directors for Regions I, VII, VIII (3-year term)
Eligibility: Professional and emeritus members, who have been members for at least five (5) consecutive years prior to election, are eligible for election to the Board of Directors of the Society. Additionally, they must have held office or membership on the Board of Directors of the Society or in a constituent society. Regional director candidates must have attended at least two (2) regional council meetings in the last five years and must have been a delegate to the national meeting three (3) of the last five (5) years.

Duties: Serves as coordinator of constituent society activities within defined regions; acts as the representative from the respective constituent societies to the Board of Directors; represents the Board of Directors to constituents; facilitates communication among the Board of Directors, Regional Council, and constituent societies; serves as a member of the Board of Directors; may serve as a member of the Executive Committee or other board committees and serves as a member of committees or as liaison to committees as assigned by the president.

Judicial Committee (one position, 5-year term)
Eligibility: Professional or emeritus members of the Society are eligible who have served this Society previously as an officer, director, or presiding official of the Bylaws Committee of this Society.

Duties: An impartial body to investigate or deliberate matters referred for its consideration; to test facts against the Bylaws of this Society or against common standards of justice and fair play; and to render opinions as recommendations for action of the Society.

Nominations Committee (one position, 3-year term)
Eligibility: Professional or emeritus members of this Society who have been active members in the Society for ten (10) years or more prior to election. No officer, director, or elected or appointed representative of this Society is eligible. Candidate must have served as a member of a national task force, national committee, or the ASCLS Board of Directors within the last five (5) years and have attended three (3) of the last five (5) ASCLS Annual Meetings, with a preference given to those who have served as delegates.

Duties: Publicizes position vacancies; secures nominees and evaluates those nominees as to qualifications and experience.


Susan Stalewski, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM

Members will often indicate that they would like to be more active and involved in the organization. ASCLS Scientific Assemblies are excellent vehicles for member involvement and connection with ASCLS on a state and national level.

Scientific Assembly participation is foundational to the grassroots philosophy of ASCLS and supportive of the ASCLS mission, vision, and beliefs. Every member can participate, propose continuing education and ideas, consult with like-minded peers, and develop a national network of professional colleagues.

Connect in Communities
Many laboratory professionals follow Facebook groups and email listservs where participants engage in interactive discussion. ASCLS members can do the same in the Scientific Assembly communities. Active use of the member community facilitates year-round connection to colleagues around the world and gives insight to the world of clinical lab science outside of your local area.

Members can be quiet “lurkers”; can pose questions or comments related to their individual experience; or can offer ideas and relevant information. The Scientific Assembly communities allow easy access to colleagues and connections for future in-person contact.

Settings for community email notifications can be edited in your profile, under “My Account” > “Community Notifications.” Options include real-time notifications, daily digests (consolidated messages each day), or weekly digests. It is best to configure personal email settings to allow messages from ASCLS to avoid community messages ending up in clutter, junk mail, or other folders.

Share Your Expertise
In this past year, scientific assembly leaders and members have participated in the proposal and review of continuing education sessions for the ASCLS Annual Meeting and the Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference. Members have also participated in review and revision of the Body of Knowledge for the Medical Laboratory Profession; supported student participation in scientific poster, scientific papers, and case studies; nominated members for the Bio-Rad Professional Achievement Award; and provided expertise in the ASCLS member community. At state and local levels, SA members participated in program development, recruitment events, and student events, such as quiz bowls.

Scientific Assembly participation offers opportunity for professional, scientific, and personal growth through goals that include but are not limited to:

  1. Provide expertise within a technical area of the clinical laboratory sciences.
  2. Provide opportunities for continuing education in the various clinical laboratory sciences.
  3. Serve as a resource for basic education in the clinical laboratory sciences.
  4. Identify specific needs for professional and scientific advancement. Provide input, as requested, for the development of laboratory standards in the clinical laboratory sciences.
  5. Establish and maintain a communication system that effectively coordinates the endeavors of the Scientific Assembly at the national, regional, and state levels.
  6. Identify talent/volunteers for scientific and professional needs.

Volunteer Opportunities
National Scientific Assembly chairs and vice chairs are elected by members of their discipline at the ASCLS Annual Meeting. A leadership is an excellent way to get involved with ASCLS at the national level. Let the chair of your SA know that you are interested in becoming more active.

Of interest to many is the Committee for Education Programs and Initiatives (CEPI), a subcommittee of the Education Scientific Assembly (ESA). Products of the CEPI include professional recruitment materials.

CEPI is also responsible for learning modules in the Laboratory Educator Institute, PACE-approved learning modules targeted toward all who provide laboratory instruction. These resources are useful to anyone who provides clinical laboratory education and continuing education.

These are excellent and valuable contributions to the laboratory profession.


Join any of the following Scientific Assemblies at no additional charge through the communities at

  • Chemistry/Urinalysis
  • Education
  • Generalist
  • Hematology/Hemostasis
  • Immunology/Immunohematology
  • Informatics
  • Laboratory Administration/Industry
  • Consulting/Quality Assurance/Accreditation (aka, the FAB 5)
  • Microbiology/Public Health
  • Molecular Diagnostics
  • Phlebotomy
  • Point of Care


Ally Storla, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS Georgia President Elect

ASCLS Georgia is a unique state society that enjoys strong bonds from longtime members who provide their expertise and leadership experience before passing the torch to the Ascending Professionals. ASCLS Georgia has annually provided the medical laboratory students of Georgia with review sessions in the spring to assist in preparing them for their Board of Certification exams, as well as providing continuing education opportunities to current medical laboratory professionals at its annual meetings.

ASCLS Georgia also has strong ties to the wider laboratory community in the state. It has collaborated with the Georgia-based company MediaLab, Inc., to provide an annual scholarship for a Georgia medical laboratory student to attend the ASCLS Annual Meeting every year since 2014. ASCLS Georgia leaders have used their connections through work and school within the state to provide low-cost meeting locations and attract interesting exhibitors. This allows ASCLS Georgia to continue to support its members through continuing education, innovative technology, and travel grants for attending annual ASCLS meetings and the Legislative Symposium in Washington, D.C.

ASCLS Georgia is more than a society; it is a network of friends and family. ASCLS Georgia has been blessed with eager young go-getters pursuing active leadership roles throughout the medical laboratory community on a local, regional, and national level. ASCLS Georgia can boast many recent ASCLS National Leadership Academy Graduates including Susan Burks, Lacey Campbell, Kemorine Roberts, and Ally Storla—all past or current ASCLS Georgia Presidents. ASCLS Georgia also has many eager medical laboratory students run for election and attend the annual ASCLS meetings. ASCLS Georgia has been very fortunate to have such passionate, hardworking, and caring members and leaders.

ASCLS Georgia was very thankful to have Dr. Brandy Gunsolus, the first Doctor of Clinical Laboratory Science, as its keynote speaker for the 2018 Annual Meeting—and even prouder to have her as its 2019–2020 ASCLS Georgia president elect. ASCLS Georgia enjoyed a strong turnout for the 2018 Annual Meeting and aims to continue this into 2019 with big plans and potential collaborations.

2019 looks to be a great year for Region III and for ASCLS Georgia, with the ASCLS Annual Meeting being held nearby in Charlotte, North Carolina, from June 23–27, and the 2019 Region III Triennial Meeting coming to our southern border in Pensacola, Florida, September 27-29. These meetings will provide cost-effective and local opportunities to society members for networking and continuing education.

On a personal note, ASCLS Georgia is a wonderful society of which to be a part. In my brief time I have watched its members build families, become managers, host baby showers for other members, become professors, and advance their careers, all through networking and contacts they have made through their ASCLS membership. Our future is bright because our members are more than members—they are leaders, professionals, friends, and family.

I am very grateful for the role ASCLS Georgia has played in my career as well as my laboratory. I have networked with nearby medical laboratory science programs to assist in providing a clinical rotation site for students who have gone on to work for my hospital. I have learned so much by serving in various roles within the society and have expanded my skillsets greatly. Ultimately I am a better medical laboratory scientist for my community and for my laboratory because of my experiences in ASCLS Georgia.

ASCLS Georgia is one of many ASCLS constituent societies serving our community and state. ASCLS Georgia provides so much to its members and professionals—such as a voice that lobbies on their behalf annually on Capitol Hill at the Legislative Symposium. It provides annual student review sessions to give the medical laboratory students of Georgia every opportunity to successfully pass their Board of Certification exams and become the next generation of medical laboratory professionals that Georgia needs.

ASCLS Georgia provides annual continuing education and interesting exhibitors to benefit professionals and our partners in industry. The society provides experience in leadership and networking to its volunteers who work hard to continue achieving these goals year after year. ASCLS Georgia is fortunate to be growing from the seasoned experience of many dedicated, hardworking leaders through the hard work and eagerness of the next generation of medical laboratory scientist leaders.