The ASCLS Nominations Committee is pleased to present the following candidates for office in the 2019-20 Society year. Candidates selected by the House of Delegates will take office at the 2019 ASCLS Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Maddie Josephs


Member Since 1997

BS, Medical Technology, Salve Regina University
MS, Clinical Laboratory Science, University of Rhode Island


Professor/Department Chair, Community College of Rhode Island, Lincoln, RI


2013-2018 – Chair, ASCLS-CNE Annual Convention

2014-Present – Director, Region I

2013-Present – Attended National Meeting as Delegate or Director
2017 – Co-Chair, Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference (CLEC)
2018-2019 – Member, Long Range Planning Committee
2017-2018 – Member, Appointments Committee
2015, 2016 – Member, Executive Committee

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other”
- John F. Kennedy

I have been a member of the ASCLS Board of Directors since 2013 and it has been an honor and a privilege to serve this organization as Region I Director. These years, for me, have been a period of immense personal and professional growth. I have learned so much about ASCLS from my fellow board members and the membership alike. I believe that education is lifelong, and good leaders who listen will learn from those they lead.

The viability of this organization is dependent on our dedicated members. While there may be challenges ahead for ASCLS, I believe I have the passion and desire to help see this organization through those challenges. The ASCLS Board of Directors has laid some very important groundwork concerning the future of ASCLS, and through our shared vision and philosophy, we can see this Society through these challenges. Together, we can build our membership, continue to advocate for our profession, and bring recognition to our members and to our profession as a whole. Our shared vision will lead to a stronger and more viable Society and it would be an honor to lead the way.

Kyle Riding


Member Since 2004

BS, Medical Laboratory Science, UMass Dartmouth
PhD, Public Health, Walden University


Assistant Professor of Medicine, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL


2012-2013 – President Elect, ASCLS-CNE
2013-2014 – President, ASCLS-CNE
2006-2015 – Attendee/Speaker, ASCLS CNE Annual Spring Convention
2015-Present – Board Member, FSCLS
2016-Present – Program Chair, FSCLS Spring Seminar
2016-Present – Attendee/Speaker, FSCLS Spring Seminar

2018-2019 – Program Chair, Region III Triennial Meeting

2006-2017 – Attendee/Speaker, ASCLS Annual Meeting
2008-2014 – Member and Co-Vice Chair, Government Affairs Committee
2014-2017 – Member, Nominations Committee
2015-2016 – Co-Chair, Entry Level Curriculum Update Task Force
2015-2017 – Vice-Chair and Chair, Leadership Academy
2018-Present – Chair, Marketing and Communications Committee

I have had the distinct honor and pleasure to serve ASCLS in a variety of capacities over the last 14 years. My passion and belief in ASCLS are firmly rooted in the fact that it has been the leading voice in our profession’s growth over multiple generations and has a legacy of leadership. Serving as secretary-treasurer will provide me with the chance to continue this legacy. It is my hope that I will be able to use my experiences to help us navigate this rapidly-changing era where how we communicate with each other, our partners, and the public-at-large evolves on a seemingly daily basis. With so many various society functions being shared with the secretary-treasurer on a routine basis, I would be in an ideal position to help communicate meaningful details to our members and allow them to see our collective vision in action. Furthermore, I would be able to provide unique perspective to the ASCLS Board of Directors. A perspective that is forever grateful to a generation that paved the way for our association’s success but is firmly committed to a continuing evolution of ASCLS. An evolution that helps it best meet the demands of tomorrow’s laboratory professional.

Lisa Hochstein

Member Since 1970

MS, Medical Technologist, St. John’s University
BSMT, Medical Technology, Richmond College/CUNY
AAS, Medical Lab Technology, NYC Community College


Associate/Professor/Program Director Clinical Laboratory Sciences Program, St. John’s University, Queens, NY



2015-2017 – Chair, Nominations Committee

2013-2018 – Secretary-Treasurer, Region I Council
2016 – Co-Chair, Region I Seminar

2012-2018 – Member, Vice-Chair, Education and Research Fund
2011-2017 – Members, Awards Committee

As a member of ASCLS since my days as a student, I have made a commitment to be involved in my professional organization. I see value in belonging to ASCLS and believe we should all advocate for both our organization and our profession. Clinical laboratory professionals are sometimes taken for granted and not regarded as a member of the healthcare team. I would encourage collaborating with members of the region and ASCLS for increasing awareness of our profession. I want to work with the members of my region to strengthen our numbers, provide continuing education and advocacy, and provide the benefit of our knowledge to the public.

Claude Rector


Member Since 2008

BS, Microbiology, University of Arkansas
MS, Microbiology, University of Arkansas


MLT and Phlebotomy Program Director, Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas



2011-2013 – President Elect, ASCLS Arkansas
2013-2015 – President, ASCLS Arkansas
2013-2015 – Co-Chair, Arkansas State Laboratory Conferences
2013-2015 – Co-Chair, Arkansas Laboratory Student Quiz Bowls

2017-2018 – Chair, Region VII Caucus Meetings
2017, 2018 – Attended and Presented at Region VII State Meetings

2016-2019 – Member/Delegate, ASCLS Board of Directors, Region VII
2018-2019 – Appointments Committee/Choosing Wisely Taskforce
2018-2019 – Board Liaison, E&R Fund, PAC, SA
2017-2018 – ASCLS Finance Committee/Policy and Procedures
2017-2018 – Board Liaison, Bylaws, Choosing Wisely, Patient Safety
2016-2017 – Board Liaison, Membership, Leadership Development

First, I would like to say what an honor it is to be asked to seek a second term as the Region VII director. I have enjoyed meeting and collaborating with all who serve on the ASCLS team: ASCLS EVP and staff; ASCLS Board of Directors; Society leaders, committee chairs, and members; state society leaders; ascending members; and developing members. I consider myself very fortunate to belong to such a wonderful team.

During my second term I would like to focus on what I feel is our biggest strength as a professional society. ASCLS members make up a group of professionals united by certain convictions and a common affiliation. This is a definition of family. The ASCLS family has many wonderful activities and events all leading to collaboration between members and developing relationships across the country.

My stance three years ago has not changed. I still believe the future of ASCLS begins with the clinical laboratory students. They are still our best hope to change the future direction of our Society. My goal is still to mentor them, be an example to them, and challenge them to make the future of our profession stronger.

Stephanie Mihane


Member Since 1991

CLA, Scott Community College, Bettendorf, IA
AS, Kirkwood Community College, Cedar Rapids, IA
BS, Medical Technology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA


Point of Care Coordinator, Kaiser, Permanente, Denver, CO


2006-Present – ASCLS-CO Activities to Include:

President Elect, President, Past President, Membership Chair, Student/New Professional Chair, Newsletter Editor, Secretary CLCC State Meeting: Planning and Committee Co-Chair, Social Chair, Program Committee Member, General Chair, Attendee

2010, 2011 – ASCLS Region VIII Activities to Include:
2014-Present – Membership Chair, Secretary, Leadership Academy Instructor
2014-2018 – IMSS: Social Chair, Exhibit Liaison, Silent Auction Co-Chair, Attendee
2010-2014 – Elected Member of Coordinating Committee
2017 – IMSS Speaker
2015-Present – Region VIII takes over IMSS: Speaker, Silent Auction Co-Chair, Social Co-Chair, Planning Committee Member, Attendee

2011-2016 – Member/Co-Chair, Awards Committee
2011-2014 – Members, Leadership Academy Committee
2011-Present – Credentials (Chair 2018)
2017-Present – Member, Diversity Advocacy Council
2017-2019 – Elected to Nominations
2016-Present – Chair, POC Scientific Assembly
2013 – Speaker at National Meeting

ASCLS has been pivotal in my growth as an individual and a professional. The need for life-long learning and to represent my profession has led me to be a graduate of the first National Leadership Academy and hold numerous committee and leadership positions at the state, regional, and national level. I was a member of the IMSS Coordinating Committee and transition team to Region VIII ownership and a faculty member for the Region VIII Leadership Academy for six years. I have served as chair of the national Awards Committee and a member of Credentials for many years, moving to chair in 2018.

As a point of care coordinator for the past nine years at Kaiser Permanente, I am a visible and an integral part of the healthcare team assuring compliance, education, and collaboration. I work specifically with the nursing staff and providers, but also touch the departments of IT, Revenue Cycle, Purchasing, and Professional Education, providing the face and voice of the profession. I also completed the AACC Point-of-Care Specialist Certificate Program.

Revitalization of the Utah society and continued growth of the other four state societies, as well as, engagement with our developing and ascending professionals will help to assure the future success of Region VIII, ASCLS, and the profession.

Suzanne Campbell


Member Since 1996

PhD, Educational Administration, University of Nebraska
MS, Educational Administration, Fort Hays State University
BS, Medical Technology, Wichita State University


Dean of Allied Health/Director of Medical Laboratory Technology, Seward County Community College, Liberal, KS


2012-2015 – Region VI Director, Quarterly Region Council Meetings
2011-2013 – Co-chair, Great Plains Regional Laboratory Meeting

2012-2015 – ASCLS Region VI Director
2013-2015 – ASCLS Executive Committee
2012-2015 – ASCLS CLEC Planning Committee
2014-2015 – ASCLS Finance Committee
2015-2016 – ASCLS President-Elect
2016-2017 – ASCLS President
2017-2018 – ASCLS Past President
2018-2019 – ASCLS Lab Week Run Committee
2018-2019 – ASCLS Awards Committee
2018-2019 – ASCLS Mentor

I would be honored to serve as a member of the Judicial Committee. I believe my 32 years of experience as a medical laboratory professional and 22 years of experience as an active member of ASCLS provides me with the knowledge and skills to serve as a member of the ASCLS Judicial Committee. Having served in multiple roles at the state, regional, and national level, as well as holding the position of ASCLS president, I possess the in-depth knowledge of policy, by-laws, and standard operating procedures of the organization to benefit this committee. If elected to this committee, I will serve with integrity, honesty, and an open mind.

Holly Weinberg


Member Since 2000

BS, Biology/Chemistry, Whitworth University
BS, Medical Technology, Whitworth University






2008-2014 – Coordinator, Idaho PACE Coordinator
2013-Present – Member, Attendance at State Annual Meetings
2018-2019 – Chair, Membership Committee

2012-2016 – Chair, Region VIII Membership
2016-Present – Chair, Region VIII Council
2013-2016 – Chair, Region VIII Leadership Academy
2013-Present – Member, Region VIII Leadership Faculty
2013-Present – Chair, Region VIII IMSS Planning Committee/Programs
2013-Present – Member, Attendance at Regional Conference, IMSS

2016-Present – Officer, Region VIII Director
2018-2019 – Chair, ASCLS Policies and Procedure Committee
2018-2019 – Member, ASCLS Executive Committee
2014-2016 – Chair, ASCLS Membership Committee
2013-2016 – Member, ASCLS Judicial Committee

I became active in ASCLS in 2000 because I feel strongly about giving back to a profession that I love and that has served me so well through the years. I have served in many capacities at the state, regional, and national levels, including six years on the ASCLS Bylaws Committee, the last two as the chair which has given me the opportunity to learn about and understand the workings of ASCLS. I have had many wonderful mentors guiding me through the process and helping me gain a firm understanding of the building blocks of our Society as well as an appreciation for the uniqueness of our organization. ASCLS is the premier laboratory organization that represents all of its members equally.

I believe in looking at all sides of an issue and getting the input of all concerned parties before rendering a judgment in any situation. If elected to this position, I would be diligent in researching issues and working with my fellow Judicial Committee members to reach an equitable decision that is consistent with the mission and values of ASCLS. I am honored to be considered for this position and look forward to the opportunity to serve.

Joshua PulidoMember Since 2000

AAS, Clinical Laboratory Science, Weber State University
BS, Clinical Laboratory Science, Weber State University
MHA, Health Administration, Weber State University


Business Development Manager-Virapur Business Unit, Microbiologics & Microbiologics dba Virapur, San Diego, CA/St. Cloud, MN

2017-2018 – President Elect, ASCLS-CA
2016-2018 – Board, ASCLS-CA
2014-2016, 2018 – President, ASCLS-CA
2011-2013 – Secretary, ASCLS-CA

2011-2018 – Treasurer, ASCLS Region X
2011-2018 – Chair, Vice-chair, Vendor Liaison Region X Meeting Planning Committee

2013-Present – Member, Vice-Chair, CAC
2016-Present – Vendor and Host Committee Liaison, Annual Meeting Steering Committee
2015-Present – Member, Diversity Advocacy Council
2015-2016 – Member, Membership Development Committee
2010-2014 – Member, Chair, Industry Scientific Assembly

For the last 19 years, I have been fortunate to be a member of this great clinical laboratory community. I have had the great fortune to experience the field from many perspectives starting as an ER phlebotomist; transitioning to an MLT, MT, laboratory supervisor; and then to industry where I have had several roles in sales, marketing, consulting, and business development. I was fortunate to have a great mentor and friend in Dr. Yas Simonian, who brought me to my first ASCLS meeting and got me involved as a student in 2000. The opportunities I have had to progress along my career would not be possible without the great folks I have been able to network and befriend through ASCLS. I have been fortunate to have had opportunities to serve on various committees, task forces, and leadership positions at the state, regional, and national level. Furthermore, because of job opportunities, I have also been able to now experience these roles in three different states and regions. I believe the Nominations Committee plays a vital role in finding qualified members to serve and lead our organization into the future. It would be an honor to continue serving ASCLS on the national level as a member of the Nominations Committee.

Deb Rodahl


Member Since 1990

BS, Medical Technology, University of Minnesota
MBA, Cardinal Stritch University


VP Operations, Health East Care System, St. Paul, MN



2013-2015 – Job Description Taskforce
2015-2016 – Chair, PAC
2013-present – Member, Attended State Conference and Business Meetings

2013-2015 – Region V Director
2013-2015 – Region V Symposium Planning Committee
2013-2015 – Region V Leadership Academy Committees
2013-Present – Attendee and Speaker, Region V Symposium

2013-2015 – Region V Director, Attended BOD Meetings
2016-present – ASCLS President-Elect, President, Past President, Attended BOD Meetings
2012, 2014, 2016-2018 – Member, BOD Executive Committee
2013, 2016-2018 – Member, BOD Finance Committee
2013-Present – Member, Attended Legislative Symposium

ASCLS provides a critical role in the advancement of the clinical laboratory profession and for the practitioners who work in this profession, and ASCLS is the preeminent organization representing clinical laboratory professionals. The work of the Nominations Committee is vital for the future of ASCLS as we strive to find qualified members who are actively involved in the profession and in ASCLS to serve on the Board of Directors and our elected committees. It is my goal that we are able to enlist multiple candidates for our elected roles as this is a sign of a healthy organization. I believe we have many very qualified members with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. My focus will be the engagement and mentorship for ASCLS members who can fill these roles now and in the future.