ASCLS Today Volume 34, Number 3

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Volume 34, Number 3


These are unprecedented times for laboratorians. The COVID-19 pandemic has touched us all—especially those on the frontlines. These professionals have given above and beyond as they collect specimens and perform COVID-19 test evaluations and validations and testing. Many have done this at risk to themselves and their families because of limited PPE. ASCLS acknowledges the effort of laboratory professionals and their commitment to patients and the public.

The articles published in this issue of ASCLS Today were all submitted before social distancing and shelter-in-place measures were put in place. However, the theme for this issue—visibility—couldn't be more timely. We are visible. Many ASCLS members have written letters to their local newspapers to provide insight into the actual COVID-19 testing performed in clinical laboratories (vs. “mobile testing centers”). They have also educated the public on the essential role we play as part of the healthcare team. Know that the ASCLS staff and Board of Directors also advocate for us through communication to our elected leaders and the public. Thank you for your efforts. Be well and stay safe.

Cheryl Caskey, MLS(ASCP)CM, SBB(ASCP)CMASCLS Today Editor


Cindy Johnson, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, ASCLS President

Merriam-Webster defines visibility as the ability to see or be seen; the quality or state of being known to the public.

We have been encouraged by ASCLS passionate past presidents to “Be the Face,” “Promote the Profession,” “Get Out of the Basement,” “Share Your Passion,” and “Tell Your Story.” During the ASCLS-AGT Joint Annual Meeting in Charlotte last June, President-Elect (PE) Maddie Josephs, in response to the PE candidate question, stressed the importance of increasing our visibility as a laboratory profession.

To illustrate how visibility can be integral to professional development, I explore the accomplishments that ASCLS member Jeremy Angell has achieved within a laboratory support services team to heighten engagement and involvement—not only within the laboratory, but as proud members of the healthcare team.

Cindy: Tell me a little bit about your background. How did you find yourself in the leadership role you hold today?

Jeremy: When I share this story, I often quip that the answer is, “by accident.” I had recently achieved my bio-chem/med degree and was exploring next career steps when I received a call from a clinical laboratory in St. Cloud, Minnesota. The director at that time was recruiting for an entry-level phlebotomist/laboratory assistant position. It was closer to home and the more metropolitan regions of the state. I had worked a similar position in college. It seemed like a good temporary—remember that word, temporary—stop until my career took off. I accepted the position, and my new bride and I packed up and relocated.

While continuing to explore external opportunities, I found myself two years later accepting a newly formed lead position within the laboratory support department. With one more year under my belt, it developed into an expanded lead role. Within six months, a changed structure under new direction offered the opportunity to apply for and eventually accept the manager role that has been the bulk of my nearly 24 years as a (temporary?!?) CentraCare laboratory employee; a role that continues to evolve and challenge in our ever-changing medical culture.

Cindy: What are your thoughts on the role of visibility in the laboratory profession?

Jeremy: I wouldn’t be where I am today without a focus on visibility. I think you can look at it two ways. First it is a reflection of yourself—a shadow you cast as a team member and leader. If others can see you and you can emulate how you want your department to be perceived, you can build relationships on that foundation. Subsequently, you must step out of the department and form those interdisciplinary connections that keep your department at the forefront and recognized for its achievements.

Cindy: How have you worked to increase visibility with your team? Do you feel that has had an impact within the laboratory, the organization, or the patients?

Jeremy: Laboratory support positions can be challenging. They are entry-level, physically demanding, often demonstrate high turnover, and may not always get the respect they deserve. And yet, they are critical to the quality of care we deliver. They represent the face of the laboratory in many facilities—the visible manifestation of a behind-the-scenes department.

I think we can all agree that core approaches, such as career laddering models and education, are crucial for development. I like to continually challenge the team, especially the emerging leaders, to veer from their comfort zones and become more visible. Can a phlebotomist or laboratory assistant write a procedure used for the whole department? An entire hospital or system? Can they represent the laboratory on a multi-disciplinary committee? Can they drive process improvement initiatives? Absolutely! They train other department staff, internally and externally. They develop student training protocols. They act as a resource throughout the organization. Gone are the days of “techs over there, support over here.” They represent a respected specialty of their own.

I find that these opportunities are keeping them engaged and getting them recognized by their peers, both inside and outside of the laboratory, as key players with roles integral to provision of care. In turn, they take more pride in their work and have become empowered proponents for greater change. That has an impact on all facets of their work, right down to the care provided at the patient level.

Cindy: As a leader and an ASCLS member, has the concept of visibility impacted your professional development?

Jeremy: Without question, visibility has provided a platform to engage with other colleagues and has greatly contributed to the evolution of my career. CentraCare has made available new and exciting opportunities to expand my system involvement, and with the increasing professional growth and comfort of my team, I have been privileged to explore and accept them as fresh challenges.

ASCLS has also provided me with multiple opportunities to serve on committees and task forces, publish articles, plan for and speak at state and national meetings, represent the scientific assembly in our state, and now fun things like interviews with the ASCLS president! This type of visibility continues to open professional doors.

Cindy: Any closing thoughts?

Jeremy: I believe there are a lot of facets to increasing visibility. No matter how you define them, each component is something for which we must continue to strive as laboratory professionals. The benefits are great for our laboratories, our teams, and ourselves.

Many of our ASCLS members are promoting the valuable role of the laboratory and increasing our visibility by being very active on social media, sharing their knowledge and expertise not only to their laboratory colleagues but to health care professionals and the general public. Thank you for your passion and commitment to enhancing our visibility.

Cindy Johnson is senior director of laboratory services at CentraCare in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Jeremy Angell is manager of support services at CentraCare in St. Cloud, Minnesota.


J. Eric Stanford, MHA, MLS(ASCP)CM

What does “Visibility of the Profession” mean to you? If you asked someone on the street what your role is as a laboratory scientist, would they be able to answer?

Across many laboratory scientists, in many labs throughout the country, the overwhelming answer to that is usually “no.” By our nature, we like quiet corners of the hospital where we can toil away, diligently following our SOPs, and checking boxes off a maintenance log. We don’t like visibility, while we lament the lack of visibility. When I’ve talked with others, it seems the expectation is that other people will advocate for our profession so that I don’t have to do it. This is the mentality that we need to change. Visibility starts with you.

So often, laboratorians bemoan the unequal treatment the laboratory receives compared to nursing. Why didn’t we get a cake during Lab Week, but nursing had a banner draped across the entrance of the hospital? The role
of the nurse is well known to the general public. They know how to make themselves visible, and like physicians, enjoy the advantage of being patient-facing as well. But they also take it upon themselves to elevate their profession to the public. We, as laboratorians, need to face a humbling lesson—visibility starts at the individual level. How do we find ways around the barriers we’ve largely created for ourselves? How do we get out there in front of the patient? How do we increase the visibility of our profession?

“To improve the visibility of the profession takes a team effort and may require you to step outside of your comfort zone. But the rewards can be astronomical!”

The first step must be to move out from behind the microscope and into the public eye. This means you. We can’t rely on “someone else” to do it for us. The easiest way to accomplish this is by being active in your laboratory organizations, at the local, state, and national levels. When more people are involved, more gets done and we become increasingly visible.

Are there committees in your hospital or institution that could use your expertise? Ask to join and I can assure you at least one person in the group will finally learn what happens in the lab. Contribute to online discussions and forums; be the expert who answers a random question on social media. These kinds of grassroots interactions are key to visibility.

Next, prepare your “elevator speech”—a 10-30 second synopsis of what you do as a laboratory scientist that you can use as a quick, but thorough, answer to the question, “What do you do?” or the dreaded, “Are you a nurse?” Try this: “I am a laboratory scientist with an educational background in many areas such as chemistry, hematology, and microbiology. People like me perform and interpret the laboratory testing your clinician ordered to aid in diagnosis and treatment of diseases, such as glucose and diabetes, or blood counts in leukemia. If you have a bacterial infection, we identify the specific organism and advise on the appropriate effective antibiotics.”

Alter the speech to fit your situation or conversation—it gives the listener a quick, succinct idea of what your work is and the role you play on the healthcare team. Too often we brush this question off with, “I’m just a lab rat,” or “I work in the lab,” without taking the time to educate. Imagine sitting at the dinner table over the holidays, hearing an aunt or uncle talking about a recent visit to their doctor. “They drew two liters of blood! Why do they need that much?” What an opportunity to talk about the reality of the lab, what it takes to perform testing, and help manage the perception of your relative. Maybe next time they will call you with questions or guidance that you may be able to provide.

Get involved in your local hospital and community. In a previous lab, we had a program where nursing gave me two hours out of the nursing orientation schedule to take new hire nurses through a tour of the laboratory. This was amazing—these were new grads and experienced new hires together. My colleagues and I would take them through every area of the laboratory and introduce them to “what happens when you send a sample down to the lab.”

Before entering the lab, I would ask one question: “When you think of the lab, what do you know?” The answer was always the same—a mixture of “I don’t know” or “the black box down in the basement.” After the tour, I would ask the same question and get vastly different answers. We covered everything from what hemolysis is and how it affects testing, why a sample is over-citrated, what caused the sample to be rejected, and more. Blood bank would cover proper identification protocols and crossmatching. These nurses certainly understood the vital role the laboratory plays in healthcare, and through this tour our prominence rose. Other departments asked to be included in the tours, and overall interaction with units improved. Imagine if we put this into practice in every hospital?

To improve the visibility of the profession takes a team effort and may require you to step outside of your comfort zone. But the rewards can be astronomical! Do you feel your pay is behind the curve? Are you not getting the focus from HR on the hiring you need? Get in front of the right people, talk about the lab, and share what you know to be the awesomeness of laboratory medicine. Get out there, speak up, get involved, and be the change we need as a profession. Visibility starts with you.

Eric Stanford is the diagnostic chemistry supervisor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center Diagnostic Laboratories in Nashville, Tennessee.


Kim Von Ahsen, MHS, MLS(ASCP)CMSLSCM, ASCLS Region VI Director

Photo credit: Lewis Ogden

As we started the ASCLS 2019-20 year, ASCLS President-Elect Maddie Josephs defined the word visibility in her response to the Candidate’s Question: What is missing within ASCLS or other laboratory professional organizations that limits our ability to recruit and maintain members?

noun: visibility
the state of being able to see or be seen.

  • “a reduction in police presence and visibility on the streets”

the distance one can see as determined by light and weather conditions.

  • "visibility was down to 15 yards”

the degree to which something has attracted general attention, prominence.

  • “the issue began to lose its visibility”

Two of these definitions—the state of being seen or not seen and the degree of which something has attracted attention/prominence—in my opinion, represent the current state (and to be honest the past state) of social media for the laboratory community.

The word visibility has a tendency to appear over and over again in social media within the laboratory community—“We are not seen, we are not equals or respected, and no one knows what we do.” While these feelings are valid for the profession, you may be surprised to know that every healthcare profession believes the same thing about its field. I’ve been in meetings with general pediatric providers lamenting how no one understands the important work they do, and they feel unappreciated by other healthcare professionals. Sounds familiar, right?

“Our willingness to embrace and ensure that we each use these platforms respectfully, responsibly, and as positive stewards is vital to engage and bring awareness with the public and within our healthcare communities.”

The “voice” on social media for any group can be very LOUD, and often it’s the negative that we hear most. And the negative often makes others disengage and not participate. It takes a large amount of energy to combat negative bias. This is where WE as members of ASCLS can create the visibility that the laboratory community desires—a visibility that through positive use of social media platforms can attract attention to our profession. Attention that shows the value of what we do, brings back confidence in scientific expertise, and provides essential public health education.

Recently, I downloaded TikTok (formerly known as, which is a social media platform for creating, sharing, and discovering short music videos. TikTok has proven to attract the younger generation, as 41 percent of its users are between the ages of 16 and 24.1

Initially, I was curious to see why it had exploded in popularity ... and, I’m a fool for funny animal-related videos. Rapidly, I was impressed with the absolute creativity of the creators on TikTok (hello, all the self-taught makeup artists!). However, it was the way in which healthcare professionals use this new platform that really interested me.

TikTok has not been without controversy, especially regarding how healthcare providers have used the platform—misinformation and humor that appears to degrade patients or other professionals. Conversely, there have been so many engaging and informative videos that I’ve seen on the platform that show respect for the healthcare team; educate and prepare young users on “firsts,” such as first pelvic exam or eye appointment; and bring visibility to a day in the life.

Social media is one way that will improve the visibility of the laboratory professional and the role of laboratory medicine in healthcare. Our willingness to embrace and ensure that we each use these platforms respectfully, responsibly, and as positive stewards is vital to engage and bring awareness with the public and within our healthcare communities.

Now if anyone wants to post some TikToks, I’d love to see them!


  1. “10 TikTok Statistics That You Need to Know in 2019 [Infographic]”. Oberlo. 22 October 2019. Archived from the original on 5 December 2019. Retrieved 1 March 2020.

Kim Von Ahsen is client services manager for Clinical Laboratory UnityPoint Health in Des Moines, Iowa.

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The ASCLS Nominations Committee is pleased to present the following candidates for office in the 2020-21 Society year. Candidates selected by the House of Delegates will take office during the 2020 ASCLS-AGT Virtual Joint Annual Meeting. Delegates will elect one president-elect; one director each for Regions II, IX, and X; one 2-year term member for the Judicial Committee; one 5-year term member for the Judicial Committee; and two 3-year term members for the Nominations Committee.

Member Since 1992

BS, Medical Technology, Kuwait University
MS, Medical Technology, University of Southern Mississippi
PhD, Science Education/Medical Technology, University of Southern Mississippi


Professor and Associate Dean for Academic, Faculty and Student Affairs, University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis, TN


2005-2006 – President, ASCLS-GA

2009-2012 – Director, ASCLS Region III

2012-Present – Consulting Editor, Clinical Laboratory Science Journal
2017-Present – Officer, International Federation of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS)
2019-Present – Chair, ASCLS Elections
2014, 2015, 2018 – Delegate, ASCLS Annual Meeting
2014, 2015, 2016, 2018 – Attendee, ASCLS Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference
2018 – Attendee, IFBLS Conference
2009-2012 – Member, ASCLS Board of Directors
2019-2022 – Vice Chair, Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference (CLEC) Steering Committee

The emerging practice of personalized medicine has a broad impact on all those practicing in the fields of disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. As laboratory professionals, we are poised to contribute our expertise to work with clinicians in devising more effective and efficient diagnostic and therapeutic protocols. ASCLS should play a significant leading role in interdisciplinary discussion with prominent scholars to enhance our understanding of the evidence, evaluation, and research outcomes with this evolving medical field. To this end, my key focal goals are:

  • Create a large research cohort
  • Empower patients as participants and drivers in how care is delivered
  • Make health data collection and sharing smoother and secure
  • Translate research to practical clinical care

The essence of an association is the ability to involve its membership and provide a forum for the exchange of information. Thus, ASCLS is an “organization of professionals,” not simply a “professional organization.” As a leader of the Society, my philosophy will be to discern how the above forces of change can be harnessed to yield meaningful results for the members of the Society. Partnering with those who will help us deliver solutions from the precision medicine movement will be one of my highest priorities.

Member Since 1995

BS, Medical Technology, Bowling Green State University
MS, Allied Medicine, The Ohio State University
MA and PhD, Education, Policy and Leadership, The Ohio State University


Dean and Professor, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, CT


2015-2019 – Member, ASCLS-Alabama
2015 – Meeting Attendee/Presenter, ASCLS-GA & ASCLS-AL
2017 – Meeting Attendee/Presenter, ASCLS-SC & ASCLS-LA/MS
2018 – Meeting Attendee/Presenter, ASCLS-LA/MS
2019 – Meeting Attendee/Presenter, ASCLS-HI & ASCLS-LA/MS

2015-2019 – Director, Region III
2019 – Attendee, Region III Triennial Meeting
2012-present – Member, Region III
2016 – Chair, Region III Triennial Meeting

2015-2020 – Director, Board of Directors / RD Region III
2015, 2016 – Attendee, Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference
2016, 2017 – Attendee, Legislative Symposium
2015-2019 – Attendee, ASCLS Annual Meeting

“Visionary companies are so clear about what they stand for and what they’re trying to achieve”
—Jim Collins, Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies

I have had the honor of being a member and leader in ASCLS since 1995 and part of the clinical laboratory profession since 1991. I am immensely grateful and very proud to have been part of both for the past 25 years. In a sense, I have grown up in and around ASCLS and the laboratory profession and those within both have helped shape the professional and leader I am today. I am not the person I once was 25 years ago and, I think we could agree, neither is ASCLS and our profession. We have grown and developed over the years and we continue to live in a time of uncertainty and exponential change. This is one of the greatest gifts we can be provided—the opportunity to strategically, bravely, and thoughtfully lead our organization to not only survive, but to thrive through this change. To do that takes intense focus and clarity. As Jim Collins puts it, “The best organizations are crystal clear about what they stand for and what they are trying to achieve.” For those of you familiar with Simon Sinek, he puts it another way, “All great organizations think, act, and communicate the same way, they start with WHY.” The ASCLS Board of Directors has laid important groundwork that can be used to guide us through these challenging times. It would be an honor as president-elect to bring my leadership experience to the membership and Board of ASCLS so we, together, can create a stronger Society, clear about what we stand for and why we exist, that will help propel us well into the future.

Member Since 2013

BS, Biology, University of the State of New York
MEd, Curriculum & Instruction, University of Maryland
PhD, Educational Psychology, Catholic University of America


Director, HSLT Program and Assistant Professor, George Washington University, Washington, DC


2013-2016 – Member, ASCLS-Maryland
2016-2020 – Officer (President), ASCLS-DC (Capital Area)
2020-present – Officer (Treasurer), ASCLS-DC (Capital Area)
2016-2020 – Editor, ASCLS-DC Website

2018-2020 – Region II Representative, Leadership Development Committee

2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 – Attendee, Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference
2015, 2017, 2018 – Speaker, Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference
2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 – Attendee, ASCLS Annual Meeting
2019 – Speaker, ASCLS Annual Meeting
2019 – Attendee, Legislative Symposium
2018-2020 – Member (2019) / Vice Chair (2019), Leadership Development Committee
2014-2020 – Member, Product Development Committee
2014-2020 – Member, Chemistry Scientific Assembly

In 2012, I became aware of ASCLS. A faculty colleague suggested joining ASCLS for CLEC professional development. Little did I know this organization offers so much more. I had worked in medical labs but most labs I worked in emphasized ASCP, which serves us as part of the pathologist’s team but does not speak to our unique needs as professionals. What value has ASCLS provided to me? In addition to the many opportunities for education and networking, it has been instrumental in establishing my professional identity and, from that base, cultivating a strong sense of professional advocacy. This is what calls us all to serve in ASCLS. As medical lab professionals we instill a strong sense of purpose in each other by serving at the constituent, region, and national levels.

If given the opportunity to serve as region director, I will strive to fulfill the following goals:

  1. Work with the Region II Council to understand the constituent societies’ needs and work with the Board of Directors to address those concerns.
  2. Explore ways to add value for prospective members to increase membership recruitment and retention.
  3. Foster a strong sense of professional identity and advocacy to increase service in leadership roles.

Member Since 1999

BS, Clinical Laboratory Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
MS, Biotechnology, Johns Hopkins University


Supervisor, Clinical Microbiology, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD


2013-Present – President, ASCLS-Maryland

2014 – Co-Chair/Program Chair, Region II Meeting
2015-2017 – Secretary, Region II Council

2012-2018 – Member/Chair (2015-2018), Leadership Development Committee
2015-2017 – Member (ad hoc), Mentorship Committee
2015-Present – Member/Vice Chair (2017-2019)/Chair (2019-Present), Abstract and Proposal Review Committee
2019 – State President/Committee Member, Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference

As a 20-year member of ASCLS, I look back on how fortunate I am that my professors and mentors got me involved in ASCLS. When I took a position on the other side of the country and attended my first national meeting, my colleagues pulled me in like we hadn’t missed a day. My ASCLS family has grown exponentially in the years since, and I do everything I can to support them.

That sense of family is very important to me and is something that I try to share with new members and meeting attendees. Nothing replaces the value of getting out there and networking with your colleagues.

ASCLS has provided me with innumerable opportunities for growth and leadership. That includes participation in our National Leadership Academy. I feel a strong desire to give back to ASCLS by applying those skills.

I come from a smaller state society, one that struggles with low participation but is huge on support from our active members. It is my hope that in the role of region director, I can support and strengthen all of the societies within my care.

It is vitally important that ASCLS remain strong for current and future laboratorians.

Member Since 1999

BS, Medical Laboratory Science, Northwestern State
MBA, Tarleton State University


Director of Laboratory Services, SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC)


2011-2012 – President, ASCLS Alaska
2014-Present – Southeast Region Director, ASCLS Alaska

2017-2019 – Proxy for Alaska President to the Region IX Meeting and Symposium

2011-2012 – Participant, Leadership Academy
2011, 2012, 2014, 2017, 2018 – Attendee, ASCLS Annual Meeting; Delegate to House of Delegates
2018-2019 – Member, Leadership Development Committee

I believe that ASCLS serves a vital role in furthering the laboratorian’s recognition as health professionals who are an integral part of the healthcare team and vital to safety, quality, and positive outcomes for the patients we serve. I am excited about the opportunity to represent Region IX and be part of furthering recognition for our profession. My goals as Region IX director would be to promote the profession and to advocate for the laboratorian. I look forward to working collaboratively with all the members in Region IX and nationally to achieve the shared goals of leadership that will assure excellence in the practice of laboratory medicine as listed in the ASCLS mission statement.

Member Since 2012

BS, Clinical Laboratory Science, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
MS, Molecular Pathology, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
MS, Clinical Practice Management, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
MBA (in process), California Coast University


Director of Laboratories, Pathology and Molecular Services, The Queen’s Medical Center, Honolulu, HI


2014-2017 – President-Elect, President, Past President, ASCLS-Hawaii
2014-Present – Member, Co-Chair (2015-present), Hawaii Clinical Laboratory Conference Board and Programs Committee (ASCLS/CLMA Spring Meeting)
2014-Present – Attendee, ASCLS-HI Board Meetings and Spring Conferences

2014 – Member, Region X Board
2014-2017 – Secretary, Region X
2016-2017 – Region X Representative, Leadership Development Committee
2017-2020 – Attendee, majority of Board Meetings for Arizona/Nevada, California, and Hawaii

2014-2015 – Participant, ASCLS Leadership Academy
2014-2015, 2017-2020 – Attendee, ASCLS Legislative Symposium
2013-2016 – Co-Chair/Chair, Molecular Scientific Assembly
2013-2016 – ASCLS-HI Delegate to ASCLS Annual Meeting
2017-2020 – ASCLS Region X Director

I believe that our patients are the heart of our profession. Most laboratory professionals entered healthcare to care for our patients and to ensure that high quality laboratory results are provided to our patients. Our expertise provides necessary results to physicians and ensures that patients are treated in a timely manner. Our laboratory professionals are essential members of the healthcare team. Due to the work of most laboratorians, we are seen as background help that only provides results from the instruments that perform all the work. Our members of ASCLS need to project a unified voice that we are part of the healthcare team and we provide a necessary duty for our patients and our physician partners. As regional director I will continue to work with ASCLS members and leadership to strengthen this unified voice. This voice will be used to work with our healthcare partners and patients.

Member Since 1996

PhD, Educational Administration, University of Nebraska
MS, Educational Administration, Fort Hays State University
BS, Medical Technology, Wichita State University


Dean of Allied Health/Director of Medical Laboratory Technology, Seward County Community College, Liberal, KS


2012-2015 – Region VI Director, Quarterly Region Council Meetings

2014-2015 – Member, Finance Committee
2015 – Member, CLEC Planning Committee
2015-2016 – President-Elect, ASCLS
2016-2017 – President, ASCLS
2017-2018 – Past President, ASCLS
2018-2019 – Member, Lab Week Run Committee
2018-2019 – Member, Awards Committee
2018-2019 – Mentor
2019-2020 – Chair, Awards Committee
2019-2020 – Member, CLEC Steering Committee
2019-2020 – Member, Constituent Society Task Force

I would be honored to serve as a member of the Judicial Committee. I believe my 33 years of experience as a medical laboratory professional and 23 years of experience as an active member of ASCLS provides me with the knowledge and skills to serve as a member of the ASCLS Judicial Committee. Having served in multiple roles at the state, regional, and national level, as well as holding the position of ASCLS president, I possess the in-depth knowledge of policy, by-laws, and standard operating procedures of the organization to benefit this committee. If elected to this committee, I will serve with integrity, honesty, and an open mind.

Member Since 1977

AS, Medical Laboratory Science, Hahnemann Medical College
BS, Medical Laboratory Science, Hahnemann Medical College


Senior Laboratory Specialist, Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, Raritan, NJ


2018-Present – Chair, Leadership Development, ASCLS-PA
2017-2018 – President, ASCLS-PA

2017-2019 – Member, Region II Council

2018-Present – Vice Chair, ASCLS E&R Fund, Inc.
2018-Present – Member, Bylaws Committee
2016-2017 – Past President, ASCLS
2015-2016 – President, ASCLS
2014-2015 – President Elect, ASCLS

ASCLS has been an important part of my professional life since 1977. I have served the Society in a variety of capacities and wish to do so as long as I am able. As a member of the Judicial Committee it would be my obligation to evaluate any case brought to the committee without bias. My experience as president of ASCLS, as a laboratory manager, and in my current position have helped me learn to consider all situations with care and to not rush to judgement.

Member Since 1968

BS, Medical Technology, Louisiana Tech University
MA, Management & Supervision, Central Michigan University


Compliance Officer, Pathology Resource Network, Shreveport, LA


2014-Present – Attendee, Speaker 3 of 5 years, LA-MS Bi-State Meeting
2014-Present – Chair, LSCLS Government Affairs Committee
2015 – Chair, LA-MS Bi-State Meeting

2014-Present – Attendee, ASCLS Annual Meeting
2014-Present – Editor, ASCLS Today
2018-Present – Member, Marketing and Communication Committee
2014-2015 – Chair, Diversity Task Force
2015-2017 – Member, New Ideas Task Force

As an active ASCLS member for many years, I am committed to embracing whatever role I can perform to further both the organization and the profession. I bring a breadth of ASCLS activity and knowledge as a candidate for the Judicial Committee and, if elected, will serve drawing from the knowledge I have gained from my years of service to ASCLS and the profession.

Member Since 1984

BS, Dietetics, University of North Dakota
BS, Medical Technology, University of North Dakota


Director of Non-Credit Health Education, University of Hawai’i, Honolulu, HI


2014-2017 – ASCLS Region X Director

It was an honor to be recognized for 35 years of ASCLS membership recently. I have always been proud of what ASCLS accomplishes for our profession and for our members—at the state, regional, and national levels. To be elected to the Judicial Committee, “an impartial body to investigate or deliberate matters referred for its consideration; to test facts against the Bylaws of this Society or against common standards of justice and fair play; and to render opinions as recommendations for action of the Society” has always been an honor for a seasoned member. I am honored to be nominated and would be honored to serve on the committee if elected.

Member Since 1978 (ASMT) & 2007 (ASCLS)

BS, Medical Technology, The University of Southern Mississippi
MS, Medical Laboratory Science, The University of Southern Mississippi


Clinical Educator/Lab Safety – Chemical Hygiene Officer, Memorial Hospital at Gulfport, Gulfport, MS


2014–present – Member and State Meeting/Planning/Advisor, ASCLS-Mississippi
2018–2020 – Member (Chair 2020), ASCLS-Mississippi Nominations Committee

2016 – Region III Director

2014-present – Member, Microbiology Scientific Assembly
2014-present – Member, Education Scientific Assembly
2014-present – Member, Diversity Advocacy Council

The Judicial Committee is one that helps to keep our professional organization true to our course. Every organization needs to be overseen just by the nature of organizations being multi-faceted with numerous committees; there will be times when impartial parties need to hear “the facts” and weigh the matters presented for a just conclusion—this includes the interpretation of bylaws as the organization grows and matures.
If elected, my goal would be to see that fair and prompt interpretations are delivered.

Member Since 2002

BS, Clinical Laboratory Science, Northern Illinois University
MBA, Healthcare Administration, Western Governors University

MLS(ASCP)CM, CLS, California Department of Public Health

Laboratory Director, DuPage Medical Group, Glen Ellyn, IL


2016-2018 – Treasurer, Region VI

2002-Present – Member, E&R Fund Silent Auction Committee
2015-2017 – Member, Patient Safety Committee
2017-2020 – Member, Nominations Committee Member

I have always been an advocate for the laboratory profession as it combines my love of science with the passion for helping others. What I enjoy the most is being an advocate for the profession in working with the providers, clinical staff, and patients every day. As I currently serve on the Nominations Committee, I enjoy the involvement in looking for candidates amongst my fellow professionals for roles within the Society. My goal would be to continue to perform the tasks within the nominations committee.

Member Since 2000

AAS, Clinical Laboratory Science, Weber State University
BS, Clinical Laboratory Science, Weber State University
MHA, Health Administration, Weber State University


Business Development Manager-Microbiologics, St. Cloud, MN


2017-2018 – President Elect, ASCLS-CA
2016-2018 – Board, ASCLS-CA
2014-2016, 2018 – President, ASCLS-CA

2011-2018 – Treasurer, ASCLS Region X
2011-2018 – Chair, Vice Chair, Vendor Liaison, Region X Meeting Planning Committee

2019-Present – Member, ASCLS Nominations Committee
2013-Present – Member, Vice Chair, Government Affairs Committee
2016-Present – Vendor and Host Committee Liaison, Annual Meeting Steering Committee
2015-Present – Member, Diversity Advocacy Council
2015-2016 – Member, Membership Development Committee
2010-2014 – Member, Chair, Industry Scientific Assembly

For the last 20 years, I have been fortunate to be a member of this great clinical laboratory community. I have had the great fortune to experience the field from many perspectives starting as an ER phlebotomist; transitioning to an MLT, MT, laboratory supervisor; and then to industry where I have had several roles in sales, marketing, consulting, and business development. I was fortunate to have a great mentor and friend in Dr. Yas Simonian, who brought me to my first ASCLS meeting and got me involved as a student in 2000. The opportunities I have had to progress along my career would not be possible without the great folks I have been able to network and befriend through ASCLS. I have been fortunate to have had opportunities to serve on various committees, task forces, and leadership positions at the state, regional, and national level. Furthermore, because of job opportunities, I have also been able to now experience these roles in three different states and regions. I believe the Nominations Committee plays a vital role in finding qualified members to serve and lead our organization into the future. It would be an honor to continue serving ASCLS on the national level as a member of the Nominations Committee.

Member Since 1992

BS, Biology, University of Sioux Falls
PhD, Biomedical Health Science, Sanford School of Medicine


Graduate Program Director / Associate Professor, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio


2014 – President, ASCLS-SD Board of Directors
2013 – 1st Vice President, ASCLS-SD Board of Directors
2012 – 2nd Vice President, ASCLS-SD Board of Directors
2015-2017 – Co-Editor, ASCLS Volusion/Newsletter
2010-2014 – Chair, Microbiology or Molecular Scientific Assembly

2019-2021 – Secretary/Treasurer, Region V Council
2019-2020 – Region V Leadership Academy
2014-2017 – Region V Director
2014-2015, 2017-2019 – Member (2014 Chair), Region V Symposium Committee

2019-2022 – Trustee, ASCLS Education and Research Fund
2018-2020 – Member (Jr/Sr), Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity Board Member
2018-Present – Research and Reports Section Editor, CLS Journal
2015-2016 – Member, Code of Ethics Task Force
2014-2017 – Member, Board of Directors
2014-2015 – Member, Chair, Bylaws Committee

As a member of ASCLS since 1992, I have served as a student forum representative, state president, and most recently as a member of the national Board of Directors. Throughout that time, I have seen a lot of changes in our profession and organization. Our professional practice has rapidly evolved to include an advanced practice doctorate in addition to the already numerous PhDs, and has always included certificate, associate, baccalaureate, and masters level professionals across industry, education, and clinical practice. It is imperative that we support all levels of practitioners from all areas within laboratory services. We are also a very diverse group of individuals from age, nationality, social backgrounds, and more. We must recognize and appreciate all of those unique talents and differences that bring new ideas, passion, and inspiration to our Society. On the Nominations Committee I would work to foster a culture of mentorship and inclusivity, and strive to encourage new and advancing professionals to seek positions of leadership within the organization at all levels, and stand together to move ASCLS forward in this age of technology and change.