Editorial Calendar


Issue: January/February 2021

Theme: Advocacy

The importance of advocating for our profession has never been clearer than during this global pandemic, with its particular impact on medical laboratory professionals. This issue will showcase the ways our Labvocates work to improve the environment for laboratory professionals and maximize their efforts on positive patient outcomes. Advocacy topics may include efforts to influence public policy that impact laboratory professionals, including pressing for high standards, state licensure, and stronger rules on certification. Articles may also focus on personal advocacy—how to shape public perceptions of laboratory professionals and their contributions to the healthcare system—and ASCLS programs such as the annual Legislative Symposium, advocacy work in specific constituent societies, and engagement with regulatory agencies.

Issue published 


Issue: March/April 2021

Theme: Visibility

SARS-CoV-2 has brought unprecedented visibility to medical laboratories. However, confusion and misunderstanding (even conspiracy theories!) about testing and medical laboratories still plague our profession. Articles for this issue might showcase efforts to represent medical laboratory science to the public; successful interprofessional initiatives in your workplace; tips for promoting the profession through social media; participation at science or career fairs; or personal stories of how you discovered this amazing career.

Article Submission Deadline: February 1, 2021


Issue: May/June 2021

Theme: Diversity

"Promoting diversity supports the delivery of quality laboratory service” is one of the core values of ASCLS. Diversity can encompass all those differences that make us unique, such as race, color, ethnicity, language, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socio-economic status, age, and physical and mental ability. Assuring diversity and representation exists in ASCLS is critical to promoting a more equitable profession that can deliver patient-centered care. While ASCLS must strive to reflect the diversity in the profession, we must also work towards an inclusive profession that aims to fully represent the society it serves. This issue of ASCLS Today will reflect on the importance—and sometimes confusing nature—of diversity, inclusivity, equity, and justice. What does it mean to be diverse, inclusive, and equitable? How do these concepts assure a just culture in ASCLS? How can we set and achieve goals of promoting diversity?

Article Submission Deadline: April 1, 2021


Issue: July/August 2021

Theme: Patient Safety

This issue of ASCLS Today will reflect on the importance of patient safety. Medical laboratory science professionals are responsible for developing a culture of safety as defined by the National Academy of Science. How do laboratory professionals prevent errors to improve patient safety? What technological advances have been implemented to ensure safety in all phases of laboratory testing including pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical? What has been done to develop a laboratory culture that focuses on patient safety?

Article Submission Deadline: June 1, 2021


Writing Guidelines for ASCLS Today

ASCLS Today exists to provide the latest developments in medical laboratory science; to advance the mission of ASCLS; to generate a sense of community among Society members; and to tell our story, as medical laboratory professionals.

ASCLS Today is published six times a year; print copies are distributed to all members by mail and articles are posted online and distributed by email and social media.

Article Length
700-1,000 words is optimal; ASCLS will consider submissions that are shorter or longer.

Content should appeal to a wide range of medical laboratory professionals—from the bench to management, from higher education to industry partners, from students to seasoned professionals.

All ASCLS members receive the newsletter. ASCLS also posts the content online and through social media channels, so your article will be shared with the larger medical laboratory community.

Important Details

  • Every submission should be an original, educational piece. Please consult the Editorial Calendar for pre-determined issue themes and deadlines. Note: Articles with topics outside the pre-determined theme will still be considered for publication.
  • Avoid time-sensitive topics; the time from when you submit your article to when the printed version of ASCLS Today arrives in members’ mailboxes can take up to two months. If you wish to share a time-sensitive announcement or deadline reminder, contact Julia O’Donnell, ASCLS Director of Marking and Communication, for submission to Society News Now monthly e-newsletter.
  • The most popular ASCLS Today articles are personal stories and opinions from medical laboratory professionals about their impact on patient care and/or the profession. Case studies and career development advice are also valued by readers.
  • When submitting your article, please include your name, credentials, job title, employer, city, state, and email address within the document.
  • Photographs and graphic elements are encouraged and should be turned in with the article. The author is responsible for obtaining permission for publication. Electronic images should be high-resolution (300 dpi) in .jpg format. Please include captions that identify all individuals in the photos, and clearly identify which photo the caption belongs with.
  • All submissions will be edited for clarity, grammar, and length. ASCLS has final discretion for specific content, form, and style of all items published in the newsletter.

ASCLS Scientific Assembly Column Submissions
ASCLS encourages scientific assembly chairs to submit articles on any of the following topics:

  • Case studies
  • New technology developments in the discipline
  • The impactful story of a professional in the discipline

Please contact ASCLS Today Editor Debra Rodahl with specific questions, feedback, and article submissions.