A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

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A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

Issue 5 January 2015

In this Issue:

FDA Public Workshop on Laboratory Developed Tests Leadership Academy Call for Applications

Membership Committee   ASCP Board of Certification Government Affairs Reminders

FDA Public Workshop on Laboratory Developed Tests

Elissa Passiment and Susie Zanto represented ASCLS at this public meeting on January 8 and 9, on the NIH Campus in Bethesda. FDA listened to comments from over 80 individuals representing laboratory interests, including private genetic testing laboratories, organizations such as ASM, APHL, CAP, ASCP, and ACLA, commercial laboratories such as Mayo Medical Laboratories and ARUP, and consumer organizations. Public comments and a panel discussion was held on 6 different topics, and Elissa was part of a panel discussion on clinical validity. The FDA will consider all of the comments as they work to finalize the guidelines. Written comments will still be accepted up to February 2, and the Government Affairs Committee will be finalizing ASCLS comments soon.

Leadership Academy Call for Applications

Applications are now being accepted for the 2015-2016 Leadership Academy. This is a great way to invigorate your state society with new leaders, and provide them with the tools they need to be successful. Please think of those around you that have leadership potential, and encourage them to apply. The investment will benefit both the candidate and your society. Applications or questions should be directed to Rebecca Rogers, Leadership Academy Committee Vice Chair.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee continues to encourage the recruitment of new members. The Member Rewards program allows you to earn $25 in rewards for EVERY new member you recruit. Reach out to your co-workers, students, managers, and supervisors. Click here for to view the member rewards flyer! Member dues are being pro-rated until the end of February, after which the Spring Membership Campaign for new members starts.

ASCP Board of Certification

ASCLS has nominated Scott Aikey (PA) and Susan Beck (NC) to second terms as ASCLS representatives to the ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) Board of Governors (BOG). Scott currently is Secretary of Board, and former ASCLS President, Kathy Hansen (MN) will become the Chair after the October 2015 meeting of the BOC Board.  

Government Affairs

ASCLS continues to collaborate with a coalition, including AACC and leaders from the “therapy” professions – physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language pathology and respiratory therapy), to work with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The focus is on placing more attention on Allied Health and the need to allocate more resources to Allied Health education.  

Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA): CMS will be selecting members of the PAMA Advisory Committee. ASCLS has nominated Rick Panning (MN), Judy Davis (TN), Suzanne Butch (MI), and Elissa Passiment as possible members. CMS needs to publish the proposal that reforms the Medicare Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS) soon to give people time to read it and make comments, since the final rule is to be published by July 2015.


CLSI Survey: Don’t forget to complete the CLSI survey concerning the use of CLSI standards and guidelines, and how CLSI can best offer standards, guidelines, and companion products (bench aids) in a way that is most appropriate to your needs and the needs of your organization.   If you do not have a link to this survey, please contact andreah@ascls.org.

Logo Design Contest: Our new ASCLS tag line and strategic canvas deserve a new logo. Put your artistic and creative minds to work!  Click here for more information.

Clinical Laboratory Educators’ Conference (CLEC): There is still time to attend CLEC in Cincinnati February 19-22, 2015. Click here for more information, and register now!

Legislative Symposium: Register now for this annual not-to-be-missed opportunity, March 16-17, 2015 in Alexandria, VA. The deadline for early registration is February 15. Click here for more information.        

Awards/Scholarships: The application deadlines for many awards and scholarships are quickly approaching. Please be sure to recognize deserving individuals and activities by nominating them. You can find all information at http://www.ascls.org/about-us/scholarships-and-awards-celebrate.