A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

ASCLSOne Voice, One Vision

Society News Now

A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

Issue 6 February 2015

In this Issue:

Clinical Laboratory Science Journal  Help ASCLS Go Viral!  Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference (CLEC)

ASCLS Planning Day and Interim Board Meeting  Government Affairs Committee (GAC)

ASCLS Diversity Task Force  ASCLS Body of Knowledge (BOK)  Membership Committee

Product Development Committee (PDC)  Coordinating Council on the Clinical Laboratory Workforce (CCCLW)

Logo Design Contest  Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (MLPW)



Clinical Laboratory Science Journal
Earlier this month, those members who receive the journal were sent an e-mail announcing the new look for the Winter 2015 issue of Clinical Laboratory Science, as it now is published electronically.  This format change will allow a greater use of color and images and flexibility as to the number of pages per issue.  Check it out!

Help ASCLS Go Viral!
We are looking for creative videos to post on You Tube to promote ASCLS.  The videos will be used by the Membership Committee to serve as a recruitment tool.  The winning video will receive a $200 cash prize, and the designated leader of the winning video will win a free student registration to the ASCLS Annual Meeting in Atlanta.  Deadline – April 1, 2015.  

Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference (CLEC) February 19-21, 2015
I (Susie Zanto) just returned from attending my first CLEC, held in Cincinnati, and although it was cold outside, there were lots of hot topics indoors.  It was a very energizing conference, even for someone who doesn’t directly work in education. I learned about education methods, the latest uses of flipped and on-line classrooms, and issues educators face as they teach our future MLS and MLT professionals.  A special thanks to the CLEC Planning Committee, especially Co-Chairs Cathy Shaffner and Beth Warning, and ASCLS-Ohio for a wonderful experience.

ASCLS Planning Day and Interim Board Meeting
The weekend of March 13 – 15, prior to the Legislative Symposium, the ASCLS Board of Directors (BOD) is very busy.  Friday evening the Finance Committee meets and works on the budget for 2015-16.  Saturday is the BOD Planning Day, a strategic planning session organized by President-Elect Barbara Snyderman and the Long Range Planning Committee.   Last year during Planning Day, the BOD worked on what has become our ASCLS Strategy Canvas and Tag Line, ASCLS: One Voice, One Vision.  Then on Sunday, the Interim Board meeting is conducted.  This is where the BOD addresses requests for action or items of concern that are passed along from our grass roots members through their constituent leadership and Regional Director to the BOD.  Stay tuned for an update from this weekend in future issues of Society News Now.    

Government Affairs Committee (GAC)
The GAC is busy preparing for the 2015 Legislative Symposium in Washington D.C., March 16-17.  ASCLS is proud to work with CLMA, ASCP, AGT, and AMT each year on this meeting, and pre-registration numbers are great.  This shows the importance our members place on learning the legislative issues impacting our profession, and providing a unified, visible, and informed voice as participants make our concerns known inside Congress.  For more information, check out the website.  

ASCLS Diversity Task Force
The ASCLS Diversity Task Force, chaired by Cheryl Caskey of Louisiana, has started deliberations to define diversity as it pertains to the membership of ASCLS, develop strategies to increase diversity in ASCLS, and redefine the Forum for the Concerns of Minorities.  We look forward to a report at the Annual Meeting in Atlanta the end of July.  

ASCLS Body of Knowledge (BOK)
The revised ASCLS Body of Knowledge (BOK), edited by Shauna Anderson of Utah, is now available for purchase.  These publications encompass the essential knowledge base for what is recognized and practiced in the profession.  The BOK is useful in developing job descriptions to differentiate levels of practice, determining training & continuing education needs, and designing education curriculum.  The updated edition is available as a downloadable product through the ASCLS Store.   

The ASCLS BOK Revision Process Task Force, chaired by Linda Smith of Texas, is charged with defining a process so that the ASCLS BOK is updated on a regular basis.  A process will be developed and presented at the Annual Meeting in Atlanta.  

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee continues to work hard at providing tools and resources so that our members can recruit new members and retain existing members.  Membership numbers are up significantly as a result of all the efforts.  Remember as you speak to possible new members, the Spring Meeting campaign starts in March.  When new members join, they receive 15 months of membership for the price of one year - their memberships will not expire until July 2016.  

Product Development Committee (PDC)
The PDC is busy surveying our membership as they identify needs and work to develop educational programs and products in response to new advances in the profession.  Stay tuned for information about a possible mobile application.

Coordinating Council on the Clinical Laboratory Workforce (CCCLW)
CCCLW is reviewing the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook and is asking every participating organization for input.  The ASCLS Promotion of the Profession Committee, and Education Scientific Assembly, and the Lab Administrators Scientific Assembly have been working on our response, as we have had concerns for many years related to the description of the laboratory professions.  The CCCLW will be meeting in Chicago in March, and Rick Panning is our ASCLS voting member on this Council.  

Don’t Forget the Logo Design Contest as we look to update our brand to go along with our new tag line and Strategy Canvas.  Details can be found here.

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (MLPW)
Get ready to celebrate MLPW on April 19-25, 2015 with ASCLS.  Join us as we launch a social media celebration.  Check out our Facebook page daily and share your responses.  Post pictures and comments.  Tell stories.  Show us how YOU are celebrating!  Then share these discussions across other social media outlets by using our brand new hashtag, #Lab4Life.  Also visit our MLPW website to download the updated MLPW Promotional Guide for ideas to enhance your celebration and purchase promotional items for your staff, coworkers, or even yourself.