A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

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Issue 9 May 2015

In this Issue:

ASCLS Annual Meeting Governance in AtlantaMembership Committee (MC)

Membership Renewal │Paper and Poster Competition Focused on Quality

Government Affairs Committee (GAC) New Professionals and New Members Forum Travel Grant

ASCLS Beckman Coulter Travel Grant Winners │ Announcements

ASCLS Annual Meeting Governance in Atlanta
Constituent societies have chosen their delegates, and the delegations are making preparations to fulfill their responsibilities at the ASCLS Annual Meeting.  Information about credentialing the delegates has been forwarded to constituent society Presidents, who lead their delegations.  In addition to Elections, one of the items coming before the House of Delegates for debate and approval will be a patient safety position paper, currently being written by the Patient Safety Committee.  ASCLS Committees are starting to wrap up their work for this year, and are already making plans for their in-person meetings in Atlanta.  All members, not just delegates, attending the Annual Meeting should consider coming early to attend the AMI (Advanced Management Institute), the ASCLS Board Meeting, and the Committee meetings that take place on Tuesday, after the ASCLS Board Meeting.  
Membership Committee
Among the many things the Membership Committee is working on is the Young Professional Spotlight, and a return on investment value calculator, demonstrating the value of ASCLS membership.  They are also working on a smart phone application, and are looking for volunteers to help with the design.  If you are interested in helping the Membership Committee work on this app, please contact Holly Weinberg, Chair.  
Membership Renewal
ASCLS is entering the membership renewal cycle, and the opportunity for you, as members, to show your ongoing support for ASCLS and the work we do on your behalf, and for the clinical laboratory science profession.  On-line renewal is easy, as long as you are not changing your membership type.  Just remember to log into the ASCLS Website first.  If you want to change your membership type from last year (for example changing from a Collaborative membership to Professional I or II), contact the ASCLS Office at 571-748-3770. Thank you, in advance, for your membership as we continue to provide One Voice, One Vision.  
Paper and Poster Competition Focused on Quality
With generous support from Bio-Rad Laboratories, ASCLS is offering members the opportunity to showcase their quality projects or case studies, and win a cash award, registration, and travel support to attend the 2015 ASCLS Annual Meeting.  One professional/graduate student and one undergraduate student will be selected.  The deadline is June 15, so submit your analytical quality management paper or poster today! Visit http://www.ascls.org/quality-competition for more information.
Government Affairs Committee
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has announced that July 16, 2015 will be the date of its annual meeting to receive comments and recommendations for payment amounts on new and revised Medicare laboratory codes.  The announcement was in the Federal Register, but the link to the list of codes being considered for Calendar Year 2016 doesn’t seem to be working, so stay tuned for more information.  
New Professionals and New Members Forum Travel Grant
Applications are being accepted for a $400 travel stipend to attend the 2015 ASCLS Annual meeting.  Recipients are encouraged to maintain their ASCLS membership and provide active service to the society.  Download the application and submit by June 1, 2015.
ASCLS Beckman Coulter Travel Grant Winners
ASCLS student members were provided an opportunity to apply for a grant to assist with travel expenses to attend the Annual Meeting in Atlanta.  Thanks to the generosity of Beckman Coulter $5000 was available to six students to attend and experience the Annual Meeting and Clinical Lab Expo.  The following students were selected to receive grants:
  • Joshua Bugbee of Millbury, OH
  • Elizabeth LeFors of Fountain, CO
  • Hollie Hatch of Ketchum, ID
  • Meghan Colvin of Cypress, TX
  • Beth Hughes of Monroe, LA
  • Courtney Hall of Albany, GA
  • The Promotion of the Profession Committee is soliciting entries for the Charitable Activities Award, which recognizes constituent societies that have given back to their communities.  Deadline for submissions is June 1!  
  • Don’t Delay!  Register for the ASCLS Annual Meeting by June 8 for discounted fees.
  • ASCLS Advanced Management Institute (AMI) is July 26-27.  Take advantage of this pre-meeting management conference dedicated to challenges and opportunities facing laboratory managers and decision makers.  Information about the sessions can be found on the Annual Meeting and AMI website
  • The ASCLS Career Fair will be held Friday, July 31 during the Annual Meeting.  Registration is free to job seekers.