ASCLS Members Receive BOC Distinguished Service Awards, Government Affairs Update, Participate in the ASCLS Labvocate Webinar on October 3, ASCLS Lab-O-Lanterns Contest, and more!


Board of Certification News

018a11182bcd3bcc5e985f43d1a68a09bf8f871400ASCLS Members Receive BOC Distinguished Service Awards

Kathleen Hansen and Susan Beck (along with Scott Aikey not pictured) received the Distinguished Service Award from the Board of Certification (BOC) during the group’s annual awards luncheon earlier this month. Hansen, Beck, and Aikey served on the Board of Governors for nearly a decade, helping the BOC navigate the merger of the Board of Registry (BOR) with the National Certifying Agency (NCA) to form the Board of Certification. Hansen served as chair of the BOC Board of Governors. The two winners (center) are flanked by the current ASCLS representatives to the BOC Board of Governors (from left) Joan Polancic, Dana Duzan, Linda Smith, and J.R. Constance.

Reinstate Your Lapsed NCA CLS Certification by October 31

If you have a lapsed NCA CLS certification and did not transfer to the BOC as an active certification at the time of the BOR-NCA unification in October 2009, you have until October 31, 2019, to reinstate your NCA certification. You must complete the BOC Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) and pay a reinstatement fee in addition to the application fee.

Effective November 1, 2019, you will be required to retake and pass the BOC certification examination in order to reinstate a lapsed NCA certification. For more information please visit the BOC website.


Government Affairs Update

ASCLS continues its deep engagement with both legislation and regulation at a federal level that impacts laboratory professionals and their ability to deliver high-quality and effective laboratory services.

Workforce Legislation
As the laboratory workforce shortage becomes more acute, ASCLS is working with Congressman David Cicilline (D-RI) to draft and introduce what is tentatively called the “Allied Health Personnel Shortage Act of 2019.” The bill would amend the Public Health Services Act to create scholarship and loan forgiveness programs for those willing to work in designated shortage areas. We have been working with other members of Congress, including members of the Senate, to find more co-sponsors to introduce the bill. Please watch for alerts to encourage your elected representatives to support this bill.

ASCLS is part of the Clinical Laboratory Coalition, which is working to pass the Laboratory Access for Beneficiaries (LAB) Act, H.R. 3584. The act would delay the next round of data reporting under PAMA by one year to ensure that all applicable laboratories required to report private payor data have the necessary time to do so. The bill also calls for the National Academy of Medicine to assess an appropriate rate-setting methodology that is representative of the market and ensures reliable, sustainable patient access to clinical diagnostics moving forward. This legislation would be the first step in the process of reforming PAMA to ensure a truly market-based system that will protect Medicare beneficiary access. The coalition is currently seeking co-sponsors.

Date of Service Comments to CMS
Today, ASCLS submitted comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on proposed changes to regulations around how Medicare reimburses for laboratory tests based on the Date of Service (DOS). The proposals are related to molecular pathology and Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory Tests (ADLTs). Read ASCLS’ submitted comments.

ASCLS Supports Medical Device Tax Repeal
Along with 600 healthcare organizations, patient groups, physicians, hospitals, venture capitalists, and other stakeholders, ASCLS sent a letter to House and Senate leadership to request that Congress prioritize repeal of the medical device excise tax. The tax was in place from 2013 to 2015, but since then has been suspended each year. We seek a permanent end to the tax because of the adverse effects it has on research and development. Read the submitted letter.

Fall CLIAC Meeting
Representatives of ASCLS will be in attendance at the fall Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee (CLIAC) meeting where the committee will discuss the impact of informatics on the laboratory and focus on forming a workgroup to develop recommendations or guidance on how to ensure the accuracy and reliability of new and emerging laboratory technologies and nontraditional testing workflow models, including next generation sequencing, biomarker testing, metagenomics, and others.

Participate in the ASCLS Labvocate Webinar on October 3

Do you want to be a “Labvocate” or want to learn how to be a more effective one? Join us for a webinar, Labvocate: Amplify Your Voice for Your Profession and Your Patients on Thursday, October 3, at 8 pm Eastern.

Legislation that becomes law and regulations used to implement these laws at the national and state level are a critical, driving force behind how clinical laboratory science is practiced. Laboratory professionals need to be engaged in the processes by which these laws and regulations are created to ensure they fully allow the appropriate provision of laboratory testing to patients. Unfortunately, many laboratory professionals feel unsure about the process, can be confused by what appears to be an irrational system, or don’t want to get “involved in politics.” The ASCLS Government Affairs Committee will hold a webinar designed to empower laboratory professionals to feel more confident and to more effectively engage in advocacy.

Webinar Details

  • 1.0 Hour of P.A.C.E.® Credit
  • Free for ASCLS Members (Non-Members: $10)
  • Registration Limit: 90
  • Register online

At the conclusion of this session, the participant will be able to:

  • Identify the differences between legislative and regulatory advocacy at both the state and federal levels
  • Assess how legislation and regulation impact the practice of clinical laboratory science
  • Plan for the best approach to engage with elected leaders, legislative staff, and other stakeholders to maximize their impact

Instruction Level: Basic


  • Stephanie Noblit, JD, MLS(ASCP)CM
  • Donna Spannaus-Martin, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CM
  • Letycia Núñez Argote, MPH, CPH, MLS(ASCP)CM

ASCLS is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E.® Program.

Membership Engagement

Lapsed Member Contact Campaign Starts October 1

The ASCLS Membership Committee encourages all ASCLS state and regional leaders to reach out to lapsed members in your areas to remind them that they haven't renewed for the 2019-20 Membership Year. Data shows that 20% of members don't renew simply because they forgot, according to Marketing General Inc. Going the extra step of calling lapsed members helps remind them and shows how much you care about them personally.

ASCLS-Hawaii has been very successful at retaining members. Last year they won the Constituent Society Membership Award for Greatest % Retention. Region X Membership Chair Michael Leiberman shares some insights on how to be successful at contacting lapsed members.

More details about the Lapsed Member Contact Campaign will be shared in ASCLS Connect. Thanks for the important work each of you does to help keep the ASCLS membership strong.

2019PumpkinWinnerCroppedASCLS Lab-O-Lanterns

Show off your mad-scientist skills by carving a lab-themed pumpkin for Halloween! Post a photo of your "Lab-O-Lantern" on social media or in the ASCLS Connect Open Forum by October 31, and include the hashtags #Lab4Life, #IamASCLS, and #LabOLantern2019 to be entered into a drawing for a $20 gift card. The winning pumpkin will also be featured on the ASCLS website. Check out last year's winner pictured here. Happy carving!


Developing Professionals Forum

logo DPF vertical topMeet the 2019-20 Officers and Get Involved

The ASCLS Developing Professionals Forum (DPF) elected new leadership for the 2019-20 year. Congratulations to the new officers!

  • Chair: Eykka Gundlach
  • Vice Chair: JD Hollowell
  • Secretary: Rebecca Wagner

The DPF is open to all ASCLS Developing Professional (student) members. Join the ASCLS Student Forum & Recent Graduates Facebook Group to get more involved.

ASCLS Voices Under 40

VoicesUnder40Eight Young Professionals in the Spotlight for 2019-20

ASCLS is excited to announce the recipients of the ASCLS Voices Under 40 Spotlight, a recognition of our many, talented and committed young professionals under 40 years old. The 2019 recipients are Hollie Bearce, Ketchum, ID (not pictured); Krystal Bullard, Memphis, TN; Nicole Buza, Madison, WI; Joshua J. Cannon, Philadelphia, PA; Kristen Croom, Honolulu, HI; Kelcey Harper, Lexington, MA; Joshua X. Pulido, Saint Could, MN; and Stephanie Souza, Emeryville, CA. Read more.

ASCLS Voices Under 40 honors ASCLS members who have shown exceptional commitment to the Society, the laboratory profession, and their community at large at a younger age in their professional career. Each month we spotlight one of the shining voices who were selected from many nominations across the country.


CLEC2020 palmsCLEC 2020 Abstracts Due October 1

Do you have insights that can influence the future of laboratory education? Submit an abstract for the 2020 Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference (CLEC) where you can share your expertise, research, or other work at the premier gathering of laboratory educators. The submission deadline is October 1. For abstract submission guidelines, please visit, and read the "CLEC 2020 Call for Abstracts" information.

CLEC 2020 will be held February 27-29 at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Hotel in Orlando, Florida. Reserve your hotel room starting October 1, and look for the program and online registration to be available November 1. We look forward to seeing you in sunny Orlando next winter!

logo jam color louisville

2020 Joint Annual Meeting Plans Underway

OmniHallASCLS and AGT received 106 proposals for the 2020 Joint Annual Meeting to be held June 28-July 2 at the Omni Louisville Hotel in Louisville, KY. Thank you to everyone who shared your ideas and proposals.

The Joint Annual Meeting Steering Committee met in Louisville at the beginning of this month to prepare for 2020 and set the educational program based on the proposal feedback from our many volunteers on the Abstract and Proposal Review Committee and in the Scientific Assemblies. They also explored the beautiful new Omni Louisville Hotel and the many restaurants and attractions within walking distance in downtown Louisville. Stay tuned for more news about 2020 and plan to join us in Louisville next summer.



Recording Image

2019 JAM On Demand Provides up to 45 Hours of P.A.C.E.® Credit

If you missed attending the 2019 Joint Annual Meeting this summer in Charlotte, North Carolina, you can still experience the valuable educational program and earn P.A.C.E.® credit. ASCLS captured 43 of the educational sessions, and they are available to stream online as JAM On Demand.

You can access the sessions individually or purchase a “Best Of” bundle containing 10 curated sessions that reflect the best sessions of the meeting according to attendees:

An All Access Pass to all 43 recorded sessions is also available.

Upcoming Fall Meetings

Make plans to join ASCLS members in your region for Lab CE and lots of fun.

Northwest Medical Laboratory Symposium
October 9-12
Lynnwood, Washington

ASCLS Region VIII Intermountain States Seminar
October 10-12
Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Add your upcoming events to the ASCLS Events Calendar:

  1. Visit
  2. Sign in.
  3. Navigate to your state society's community.
  4. Click on the Events Tab.
  5. Click on the green Add Event button in the upper right.

Connect: The Community Conversations

Check out the recent discussion threads on ASCLS Connect and join the conversations:

Download the MemberCentric App on your mobile device to get the community conversations and more in the palm of your hand.

Key Dates

CLEC 2020 Poster Presentation or Technology Demonstration Abstract Deadline
October 1

Fall 2019 Board of Directors Meeting
November 1

CLEC 2020 Registration Opens
November 1