ASCLS Today Volume 33, Number 6

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Volume 33, Number 6


Charlotte, North Carolina, was the site of the 87th Annual ASCLS Awards Ceremony, made possible by volunteer support of the Awards Committee, awards judges, and ASCLS staff. Scott Aikey, ASCLS president 2008-09, presided as master of ceremonies, and Roslyn McQueen, ASCLS president 2018-19, and Cindy Johnson, president-elect 2018-19, presented the following member recognition awards.

Constituent Society Membership Awards are given each year to stimulate the recruitment efforts of each constituent society and are based on membership numbers as of May 31.

Greatest Percent Increase in Membership:

1st place: ASCLS-DC
2nd place: ASCLS-Utah
3rd place: ASCLS-Maryland

Greatest Percent Increase in Non-Student Memberships:

1st place: ASCLS-DC
2nd place: ASCLS-Maine
3rd place: ASCLS-Utah

Greatest Percent Retention:

1st place: ASCLS-Hawaii
2nd place: ASCLS-West Virginia
3rd place: ASCLS-Maryland

Constituent Society Publication Awards are presented to encourage communication through publications and to promote excellence in such publications.
Paper or PDF-Based Newsletter:

1st place: Montana Laboratory News, Cara Bushmaker, Editor
2nd place: The Analyzer, ASCLS-New Jersey, Katherine DeMenna and Lucy Wang, Editors
3rd place: Insights, ASCLS-Illinois, Masih Shokrani and Michelle Campbell, Editors

Constituent Society Website Awards recognize excellence in a constituent society or other ASCLS-affiliated website.

1st place: ASCLS-Illinois, Demetra “Toula” Castillo, Webmaster
2nd place: ASCLS-Montana, Susie Zanto, Webmaster
3rd place: ASCLS-Michigan, Daniel deRegnier, Webmaster

Political Action Committee (PAC) Awards recognize those states that generously support the ASCLS PAC. Winners are calculated by the amount of donations per member in the respective society.

1st place: ASCLS-Hawaii
2nd place: ASCLS-Montana
3rd place: ASCLS-Idaho

Promotion of the Profession Committee Award provides recognition to those states that have excelled in fundraising events. Winners are calculated by the amount of funds raised per member in the respective society.

1st place: ASCLS-Delaware, Food Bank of Delaware
2nd place: ASCLS-Colorado and ASCLS-Wyoming, Randolph World Ministries
3rd place: ASCLS-Montana, Children’s Miracle Network

Voices Under 40 honors ASCLS members under 40 years old who have shown exceptional commitment to ASCLS, the laboratory profession, and their community at large at a young age in their professional career: Hollie Bearce, Idaho; Krystal Bullard, Tennessee, Nicole Buza, Wisconsin; Joshua Cannon, Pennsylvania; Kristen Croom, Hawaii; Kelcey Harper, Central New England; Joshua Pulido, Minnesota; and Stephanie Souza, Arizona.

Keys to the Future recognizes and rewards ASCLS members who have demonstrated their leadership potential to the organization. This year 53 members received Key to the Future Pins.

Omicron Sigma provides recognition of the members who have volunteered their personal resources, time, and energy to ASCLS on the national, regional, and state levels. This year 686 nominees were recognized.

Membership Milestones recognizes ASCLS members who celebrated 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 years of membership. The continued choice to be a member is a sign of commitment to the profession and a desire to make a difference. Twenty-two loyal members of ASCLS were recognized for 50 years of membership and being role models in perseverance and professionalism. Our 50-year members are: Karen Bennett, Dorothy Bergeron, Jerome Biondolillo, Evelyn Blazer, Cheryl Caskey, Ellis Frohman, Nancy Gardner, Patricia Hanggi, Naomi Hanson, Linda Hogan, Frances Hutton, Joanna Latto, Susan Leclair, Myra Myers, Toni Okada, Susan Pang, Armand Robert Parada, Garland E. Pendergraph, Nancy Reddig, Josie Roberts, Shirley Stanford, and Donna Weaver.

Constituent Society Member of the Year recognized 23 members honored by their own constituent societies for their leadership on the local and state level in 2019. Congratulations to Angela Craft, Alaska; Linda Horton, Arizona; Cherika Robertson, Arkansas; Justine Coyle, California; J.R. Constance, Colorado; Aaron Odegard, Florida; Brandy Gunsolus, Georgia; Chris Doran, Idaho; Amy Liu, Illinois; Rosalie Hendrix, Louisiana; Dan deRegnier, Michigan; Claudine Fasching, Minnesota; Victoria Rensink, Montana; Mary Kay O’Connor, New Jersey; Angela Meisse, New York; Lisa Cremeans, North Carolina; Elaine Ramstad, North Dakota; Iudita Repta, Oregon; Stephanie Noblit, Pennsylvania; Jennifer Keimig, South Dakota; Shawna Martin, Washington; Susan Stalewski, Wisconsin; and Franki-Marie Herdt, Wyoming.

These societies and member volunteers mentioned above make it possible for ASCLS to achieve and retain its premiere standing in the healthcare community. Congratulations to all of the winners.

Awards are a great way to recognize our members for their efforts, so visit the ASCLS Awards and Scholarships webpage and nominate worthy candidates for the 2020 awards.


The Lifetime Achievement Award honors a member who has made remarkable contributions to ASCLS and the laboratory field, and who, by outstanding example, has inspired others. Nominees for the 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award were: Cheryl Caskey, Louisiana; John Landis, Michigan; Angela Tomei Robinson, New York; Dan Southern, North Carolina; and John Strous, Wisconsin.

The Lifetime Achievement Award winner for 2019 is Cheryl Caskey, who was recognized at the ASCLS Joint Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony in Charlotte, North Carolina.

In her letter of nomination, her nominator wrote, “The impact that Cheryl Caskey has made to the Society and the profession of medical laboratory science is unmeasurable. If I listed every contribution she has made to the Society and the profession, this nomination letter would turn into a novel. Not only has she been active nationally, but has also been active at the regional, state, and local levels. Ms. Caskey has served on the ASCLS Board of Directors, chaired five different committees and task forces, was a member on 14 different committees and task forces, and is currently a member of the Consumer Information Response Team and the Diversity Advocacy Council. Cheryl has represented Louisiana at five CLECs, over 20 Legislative Symposiums, and 42 consecutive ASCLS Annual Meetings. Cheryl has dedicated more than half her life to ASCLS and the medical laboratory profession, remains dedicated to the profession, and promotes the profession with every opportunity that presents itself. I can’t think of a more deserving person to receive the ASCLS Lifetime Achievement Award.”

Congratulations, Cheryl!

It is not too soon to start thinking of nominating a worthy candidate for the 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award. It can take time to gather all the information required in the application. Visit the ASCLS Awards and Scholarships webpage for details on this prestigious award.


From left: ASCLS Past President Roslyn McQueen and 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award Nominees Cheryl Caskey, John Landis, Angela Tomei Robinson, and Dan Southern.



Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity provided $45,000 in scholarships to the following students.

Royce Watson Graduate Scholarship: Abbey Hilden
Ruth M. French Scholarship: Joanna Miranda
James Holley Scholarship: Tanya Kranski
Dorothy Morrison Scholarship: Alexandra Mercorelli
Eleanor Parchman Scholarship: Sasha-Gaye Isaacs
Ida & May Reilly Undergraduate Scholarship: Sarah Burns
Martha Winstead Scholarship: Lacie Posterick
Roma E. Brown Memorial and Nellie M. Bering Scholarship: Sarah Bergbower
Unnamed AMTF Scholarships: Emily Adas, Elif Esra Cetin, Morgan Fisher, Alexa Gathman, Julia Hudgens, Ansar Iqbal, Briena Jarvi, Rachel Knutson, Marissa Lutz, and Eleanor Sis

ASCLS Education and Research Fund provided $11,000 in scholarships to the following students.

Edward C. Dolbey Graduate Scholarship: Sharon Ziemba
Edward C. Dolbey Undergraduate Scholarship: Maria Sinoy
“Bunny” Rodak Undergraduate Memorial Scholarship: Erin King
Dan Southern Undergraduate Scholarship: Sarah Ballard
Michelle Kanuth Undergraduate Memorial Scholarship: Olivia Kempes

Joseph J. Kleiner Memorial Award, administered by the E & R Fund, this award is given to the lead author of the best Clinical Laboratory Science article of the year. This year’s recipient is Janelle M. Chiasera for Acute Myocardial Infarction: Definition, Diagnosis, and the Evolution of Cardiac Markers. Honorable Mention was awarded to Nadine M. Lerret for The Role of Hyperglycemia in CD4 T Cell Survival and Differentiation.

The I. Dean Spradling Graduate Research Award was awarded to Leah Ames for Reducing Medical Errors: Perceptions of Collaboration with a Doctor of Clinical Laboratory Science.

E & R Member Grant Awards support members of the clinical laboratory profession who are conducting scientific investigation in the field of clinical laboratory science. The 2019 recipients are Tim Randolph for Effect of Exercise on Abnormal Baseline Biomarkers in Sickle Cell Trait and Nadine M. Lerret for Hyperglycemia-induced Inflammation via the CD27/CD70 Pathway.

Once again, Beckman Coulter provided Student Travel Grants to attend and experience the Joint Annual Meeting. In 2019 the following individuals received a grant: Audra Callender, Louisiana; Elif Cetin, Virginia; Steven Fowler, Alaska; Doryan Redding, Texas; and Allison Young, Michigan. This sponsorship is truly an investment in the future of clinical laboratory science.

In addition, fundraising allowed travel grants to be awarded to support developing or ascending professionals to attend the 2019 Joint Annual Meeting.

ASCLS Developing Professionals Forum Travel Grants: Leah Ade, Kansas; Madalyn Davis, Ohio; James Hollowell, Mississippi; and Monika Paneru, Louisiana.

ASCLS Ascending Professionals Forum Travel Grants: Kate DeAngelo, Idaho; Elizabeth LeFors, Mississippi; Biwedeou Magnan, New York; Kyle McCafferty, Michigan; Edward (Ellis) McVoy, Arkansas; and Amanda Sanchez, Texas.

Diversity Advocacy Council Travel Grant: Meera Patel, Kentucky.

Check out the ASCLS Awards and Scholarships webpage for information on applying for these grants and scholarships in 2020.


The Developing Professionals Leadership Award recognizes a student member who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and who has contributed to the growth and development of the Developing Professionals Forum. Nominees for the Developing Professionals Forum Leadership Award were Alex Boryszczuk, Illinois; Eykka Gundlach, Minnesota; Charmaine Devera Keuhne, Hawaii; and Christal Lane, Tennessee.

The 2019 Developing Professionals Forum Leadership Award winner is Christal Lane.

This excerpt is from Christal’s nomination letter: “After a year without a student delegate, Christal blew in like a breath of fresh air. She has been spunky and enthusiastic, bringing countless ideas and opportunities to the board when the role was accepted. Ms. Lane’s passion for both the field of laboratory science and for ASCLS has been noted by others. Our state society is very proud of Christal and all of her successes, and we look forward to her bright future in ASCLS.”

The Ascending Professionals Leadership Award recognizes a member of ASCLS who has contributed significantly to the field of clinical laboratory science and the Society within the first five years in the profession and who has made a significant contribution and shown a talent for leadership. Nominees for the Ascending Professional Leadership Award were Ryan Barry, New York; Joshua Cannon, Pennsylvania; Sophia Chandrasekar, North Carolina; Stephanie Garcia, Arizona; Crystal Paul, Minnesota; and Samantha Treutel, Wisconsin.

The 2019 Ascending Professionals Forum Leadership Award winner is Joshua J. Cannon.

This excerpt is from Joshua’s nomination letter: “I can think of no one more deserving of this award. In fact, Joshua is one of the reasons that our Society has acquired several very active, younger members on our board and in leadership. He has been active on all levels of our organization, taking on several large state projects, graduating from our regional leadership academy, serving as the regional ascending professional representative, and currently serving as vice chair of a national scientific assembly. I see great things as Joshua continues in ASCLS activities.”

Congratulations to Christal and Joshua for their leadership, their support for the clinical laboratory profession, and their passion for ASCLS.

Do you know someone who would be a good candidate for one of these awards? The Awards Committee has already started processes for the 2020 awards, so be thinking of your nominees. Details about the awards can be found on the ASCLS Awards and Scholarships webpage.


Each year, the ASCLS Board of Directors honors those individuals who have made a significant contribution to ASCLS this past year. The following members were recognized with plaques:

Candice Grayson, 2019 Chair for CLEC in Baltimore
Jillene Collins, 2019 Chair for the Joint Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina
Nattasha Counta, 2019 Host Liaison for the Joint Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina
Becky Sanders, 2019 Charlotte Society Liaison for the Joint Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina
Bill Hunt, Completion of two terms on the Board of the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science (NAACLS)
Kathy Doig, Co-chair of the Leadership Academy Task Force
Alice Hawley, Co-chair of the Leadership Academy Task Force

The Robin H. Mendelson Award, the highest honor awarded in ASCLS, is given to recognize outstanding service and contributions to ASCLS and to the clinical laboratory science profession. This year awards were presented to:

Karrie Hovis, Past ASCLS Director of Professional Development and Project Management
Lezlee Koch, for her dedicated work for the Patient Safety Committee
Roslyn McQueen, 2018-19 ASCLS President

Congratulations to all of these worthy recipients.

Roslyn McQueen and Nattasha Counta Roslyn McQueen and Bill Hunt
Roslyn McQueen and Kathy Doig Roslyn McQueen and Cindy Johnson