• The purpose of the ASCLS Lifetime Achievement Award is to recognize and honor an ASCLS member who has “made a difference” in ASCLS and the profession of clinical laboratory science. This award provides special recognition to an individual who has provided dedicated and outstanding service at all levels of the organization over a sustained period of time. In addition, the individual has demonstrated outstanding career achievements in clinical laboratory science and has significantly promoted the profession to the public and other health care professionals.


  • All nominees attending the ASCLS Annual Meeting will receive a plaque and recognition at the ASCLS Awards Ceremony where the recipient of this award will be announced.


  • Nominations may be made by:
    • any ASCLS member, or
    • Constituent Society


The nominee must be:

  • A member of ASCLS for at least 20 years prior to nomination
  • A current member at the time of award presentation
  • Actively involved in the profession of clinical laboratory science.

ASCLS Board of Director members are NOT eligible during their tenure on the Board.

Please remember: To be nominated for this award is an honor in itself and is the reason why each nominee receives recognition.


Please weigh the qualifications and choice of this outstanding member carefully. The judges of this award have the difficult task of selecting a winner based on the information provided on the forms. Please pay particular attention to how you complete these forms. Your thoughtful presentation of the candidate’s merit, accurate completion of the forms, and careful attention to the deadline will ensure your nominee the full consideration he/she deserves.

An individual or constituent society may nominate one individual. A previous nomination will not disqualify a person for re-nomination.

It is the nominator’s responsibility to make sure the nominee understands what must be submitted and does the follow-through to see that deadlines are observed. If a constituent society is nominating an individual then the Constituent Society President should assume the role of nominator. A nomination letter in support of the merits of the nominee as an individual and as an active member of ASCLS or state/local societies must be included. It is also the nominator’s responsibility to write and submit the nomination letter. Points are awarded from the nomination letter in the category of contribution to the profession.

All forms must be submitted electronically to the Awards Committee. To be valid, a nomination must follow the format. Additional sheets of information can be submitted. CV’s are not acceptable. The nomination form, the nominee information form, and the letter must be submitted no later than February 15 to the Awards Committee. Nominations lacking either forms or nomination letter will not be accepted.


The recipient of this award is selected based on his/her contribution to the profession and ASCLS over the entire duration of their membership. In selecting nominees, constituent societies or individuals should look at members who have a long history of significant contributions.

Nominees are evaluated using many activities that have occurred over a 20 year time span of membership. Criteria include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • ASCLS activities at the local, state, regional, and national levels
  • Activity has increased with years of experience at each level
  • Professional honors given for ASCLS activities
  • National, regional, state
  • Participation in other organizations related to clinical laboratory science (e.g., NAACLS volunteer, Board of Certification committee chair or Board member, AABB, ASM)
  • Contributions to the profession
  • Professional publications and presentations
  • Government and licensure activities on the state level
  • Recruitment into the profession or providing the ‘face of the profession’ by participating in health fairs or science fairs, career days, MLPW activities, and other activities that promote clinical laboratory science in the community

Our goal is to have a group of nominees who represent the epitome of service and professional activities within ASCLS and the Clinical Laboratory Science profession. Even if you feel that the person you would like to nominate may not win the award because he or she is not actively involved in every activity category, please consider suggesting that person as your nominee. There are many members who have inspired us and might not win the award, but what a great way to recognize them for all they’ve done for the profession. It is truly an honor to be nominated!

  1. Download and Complete Attachment 1: ASCLS Society Involvement
  2. Download and Complete Attachment 2: Honors, Presentations, Publications and Other
  3. Complete the Lifetime Achievement Online Nominaton Form and upload Attachment 1, Attachment 2, and nomination letter.

2020 Recipient

PanningRick Panning


  • Jan Hudzicki, ASCLS-Kansas
  • Carey Loveland, ASCLS-Michigan
  • Rick Panning, ASCLS-Minnesota

2019 Recipient

LifetimeAchievementCroppedCheryl Caskey


  • Cheryl Caskey, Louisiana Society for Clinical Laboratory Science
  • John Landis, ASCLS-Michigan
  • Angela Tomei Robinson, ASCLS-New York
  • Dan Southern, North Carolina Society for Clinical Laboratory Science 
  • John Strous, ASCLS-Wisconsin