Volunteer for a national committee, sign up for a free webinar, participate in the 2020 Lab Week Run, get the latest CDC info about the Coronavirus, and more!


Volunteer Opportunities

volunteer 2020 croppedVolunteer for an ASCLS National Committee

National volunteers on ASCLS committees are critical to the achievement of the Society's mission—you are the people who GET THINGS DONE and help keep our organization moving forward.

Serving on an ASCLS committee allows you to make a difference within your professional organization which, in turn, sets the direction for the medical laboratory profession. Diversity within the volunteer ranks makes ASCLS stronger, so we encourage all members to get involved. The process to apply is simple.

Visit Connect Community, sign in, and click on “Volunteer” in the upper navigation bar. You will find “My Volunteer Profile" and then:

  1. Fill out your "Volunteer Profile."
  2. Once complete, navigate to "Volunteer Opportunities" under the Volunteer navigation at the top of the page.
  3. Apply for any of the many opportunities available.

There are positions open on each of the ASCLS committees, as well as other opportunities to represent ASCLS to other organizations or participate in short projects with a smaller time commitment. Sign up by Friday, January 31.

Recruit the Next Generation of Lab Professionals

We are still looking for volunteers to help with the ASCLS booth at the 2020 USA Science & Engineering Festival, April 23-26 in Washington, D.C., the nation's largest celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Setup is Thursday, April 23; Sneak Peek Friday is April 24, where students and teachers experience the festival before the general public; and the festival is Saturday and Sunday, April 25-26.

The ASCLS booth will feature hands-on, lab-centered activities to inspire attendees to learn more about medical laboratory science. While this is a worthwhile and amazing opportunity, there is not a budget for volunteers to travel to the event, so we are looking for volunteers who may live in the area or have the resources to travel to Washington, D.C., on their own.

If you would like to help in any way or would like more information, please contact Charlotte Romain by January 31.

GolabCroppedLeadership ROI

Watch a video interview with Kathryn Golab, MLS(ASCP)CM, medical laboratory scientist 2 at Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories in Milwaukee, as she describes how volunteering for ASCLS has developed her leadership skills.

“My involvement in ASCLS has helped develop my leadership skills because it gives me a network of people that I can lean on and look to if I come across a situation I haven’t come across before.”

ASCLS Monthly Webinars

Take advantage of this opportunity to learn about a new topic and earn 1.0 hour of P.A.C.E.® credit from the comfort of your home (or wherever you have access to a computer). All upcoming webinars are free for ASCLS members ($10 for nonmembers). If you can't attend live, register anyway—those who pre-register will receive access to the webinar recording.

Dealing with Difficult Employees by Detoxifying Your Workplace

February 19, 8 pm Eastern
Speaker: Anthony Kurec, MS, MASCP, MLT(ASCP), H, DLM

If you ever had to deal with a difficult employee who performs their job well but has a hard time getting along with others, how do you turn that employee into a team player? What are the "signs and symptoms" of a disengaged employee? These types of employees can create a toxic workplace that impacts productivity, employee retention, and morale. Implementing certain management practices can help mitigate some of these issues with the intent of minimizing workplace incivility. Register now.

Knowledge Sharing and Succession Planning in the Laboratory

March 5, 8 pm Eastern
Speaker: Beth Warning, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM

Many laboratories have individuals who are strongholds in the workplace – they have a wealth of knowledge and understanding about lab principles, test methods, and operational procedures. As these technologists begin to retire, or move on to other opportunities, they take with them a wealth of knowledge of laboratory procedures and organizational history. Loss of knowledge may impact the proficiency and productivity of the lab. How can we retain this expertise in specific lab methods and basic tenets of testing? This presentation will provide an overview of knowledge sharing and how information can be retained and talent can be fostered through succession planning in the laboratory. Register now.

See the full list of upcoming ASCLS webinars.

ASCLS is approved as a provider of continuing education programs in the clinical laboratory sciences by the ASCLS P.A.C.E.® Program.

ASCLS Awards Nominations Due February 15

AwardsPlaquesSmallDon’t delay! Many ASCLS award deadlines are fast approaching. The ASCLS Awards Committee encourages members to submit nominations for the following awards by February 15.

Details for applying for these awards and the link to submit applications are on the Awards and Scholarships webpage. Questions can be addressed to the Awards Committee at awards@ascls.org.

Nominating a worthy member for one of these awards is a great way to recognize the valued work of our dedicated members and to honor them at the Awards Ceremony at the Joint Annual Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, June 28-July 2.

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week

Lab Week Run 2020 Header

5th Annual ASCLS Lab Week Run

Step out of your labs and into your communities to help spread the word about the medical laboratory profession by participating in the ASCLS Lab Week Virtual Run.

A virtual race, unlike a traditional race, can be run at any time during Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (April 19-25, 2020) and can be run anywhere. Participants can walk, use a treadmill, run outside, or even run in another race concurrently to complete the 5K distance (or 3.1 miles). Virtual races can be completed with a group of friends or solo—whichever way gets you moving!

Early Bird Pricing is now available through February 29. New this year we're offering a group price discount if ordering five or more packets. Each race packet will include a finisher medal and race bib. A race t-shirt will also be available for separate purchase. All proceeds go to grants and scholarships that help medical laboratory professionals attend ASCLS meetings, lobby representatives for the profession, and become future leaders in the field.

Published Assay Information for the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

The CDC has published instructions for use of a “Real-Time RT-PCR Panel for Detection 2019-Novel Coronavirus,” and “2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-time rRT-PCR Panel Primers and Probes.” 

These documents provide information about specimen collection from patients under investigation (PUI) for human infections with 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), as well as specimen handling and storage guidance. These documents describe procedures and/or reagents derived thereof that are intended to be used for the purposes of respiratory virus surveillance and research.

At this time, diagnostic testing for 2019-nCoV can only be conducted at CDC. Clinical laboratories should NOT attempt viral isolation from specimens collected from 2019-nCoV PUIs. Clinical laboratories should contact their state health departments for guidance if they have a suspect specimen.

Find out more about Guidelines for Clinical Specimens from CDC, such as specimen type and collection, and shipping specimens to CDC. Find information for laboratories on CDC’s 2019 Novel Coronavirus website.

Apply for the 2020-21 Leadership Academy

logo leadership academyDevelop your innate leadership abilities, leverage your unique strengths, and learn to become an effective leader in all aspects of your life. Apply for the 2019-20 Leadership Academy by April 1.

This intense, 12-month program is designed to train ASCLS members to be effective leaders generally, which will benefit ASCLS, the profession, and society as a whole. Participants will understand leadership within four increasingly larger spheres of influence: Self > Team > Profession > Public.

Candidates must be current ASCLS Professional or Ascending Professional members. Individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by any current ASCLS member. Current Developing Professional members are not eligible for the Leadership Academy. Please consider applying or nominating a worthy candidate for this exciting new Leadership Academy. Learn more.

Membership Engagement Contest

Thank My Lab People!

Congratulations to Christina Asuncion for winning the December "Thank My Lab People" Membership Contest. She was randomly selected from all of the people named during this event, and received a $20 gift card. Congratulations! Thanks to everyone who participated by thanking their friends and colleagues. We "engaged" nearly 1,200 people on Facebook with the contest.

ASCLS Voices Under 40

JoshCannonSpotlight: Joshua J. Cannon, MS, MLS(ASCP)CM, Philadelphia, PA

Joshua is currently serving as an instructor in the department of Medical Laboratory Sciences and Biotechnology at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. He teaches the lecture and laboratory components for hematology and urinalysis & body fluids. In addition, Joshua also teaches the laboratory components for clinical chemistry and immunology. As an instructor Joshua gets to participate in admission events and information sessions in the Greater Philadelphia Region, as well as participate in program outcomes and assessment, curriculum development, and accreditation maintenance. He is currently serving on the curriculum committee for the university. Joshua also gets to promote the medical laboratory profession by participating in various events such as the Philadelphia Science Festival

“Many members of ASCLS have become my family—and I literally call them that,” Joshua says. Today Joshua serves as the ASCLS-PA president, as well as a member of the Region II council. Joshua continues to be active in ASCLS because he believes it is his duty and privilege to promote his profession. Read more. 

ASCLS Voices Under 40 honors ASCLS members who have shown exceptional commitment to the Society, the laboratory profession, and their community at large at a younger age in their professional career. Each month we spotlight one of the shining voices who were selected from many nominations across the country.


CLECSocialCLEC Online Registration Ends February 13

The 2020 Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference (CLEC) will be the biggest CLEC yet! Join in the exceptional learning and networking opportunities with your friends and colleagues from across the country—even around the globe. 

We are excited to announce the Opening Keynote speaker on Thursday afternoon is Catherine Florio Pipas, MD, MPH. Her talk, “Caring for Me – Caring for You: Strategies to Pursue Personal Health and Create a Culture of Wellness,” will address the growing problem and impact of burnout in medical laboratory science. Attendees will gain new tools to work towards personal wellbeing and learn effective ways to partner with colleagues to create a greater impact in your institution and on your students.

CLEC 2020 will be held February 27-29 at the Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista Hotel in Orlando, Florida. Save money by registering online through February 13.

CLEC2020 palms

2020 Laboratory Legislative Symposium 500pxLegislative Symposium Travel Grants for Developing and Ascending Professionals

The annual Laboratory Legislative Symposium gives you the chance to travel to Washington, D.C., with medical laboratory professionals from seven laboratory organizations and make our concerns known inside Congress.

ASCLS Developing and Ascending Professional members who attend are eligible to apply for travel grants to help alleviate the costs of the Symposium. The deadline to apply is February 3. 

The 2020 event will be held March 16-17 at the Hilton Alexandria Old Town in Alexandria, Virginia. Register by February 7 and save $100 off the onsite rate. To be considered for a travel grant, you must be a current ASCLS member and have registered as a full conference attendee to the Legislative Symposium.

Poster 2019 1Submit a Poster Presentation Abstract for the 2020 Joint Annual Meeting by March 1

The 2020 Joint Annual Meeting poster presentation abstract submissions are now open! Make an impact on the future of clinical laboratory science by sharing your research and case studies with peers from across the nation. 

All accepted primary poster presenters will receive $75 off registration for the ASCLS-AGT Joint Annual Meeting, June 28-July 2 in Louisville, Kentucky. Additionally, a poster and oral presentation competition will award cash prizes. The deadline for abstract submissions is March 1.

Spring Meetings are Coming

2020 Alabama-Georgia Medical Laboratory Symposium
March 7
Atlanta, Georgia

FSCLS Spring Symposium
March 27
Orlando, Florida

North Carolina Spring Symposium for Medical Laboratory Professionals
April 3
Raleigh, North Carolina

California Spring Meeting
April 4
Duarte, California

2020 ASCLS-MO & HOA-CLMA Joint Meeting
April 15-16
St Charles, Missouri

Tennessee Annual Laboratory Conference
April 17-18
Nashville, Tennessee

2020 ASCLS-Kansas Annual Meeting
April 20-21
Manhattan, Kansas

ASCLS-PA Spring Meeting
May 3-4
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Add your upcoming events to the ASCLS Events Calendar:

  1. Visit http://connect.ascls.org/home.
  2. Sign in.
  3. Navigate to your state society's community.
  4. Click on the Events Tab.
  5. Click on the green Add Event button in the upper right.

Connect: The Community Conversations

Check out the recent discussion threads on ASCLS Connect and join the conversations:

Download the MemberCentric App on your mobile device to get the community conversations and more in the palm of your hand.

Key Dates

Volunteer for ASCLS National Committees
Deadline January 31

CLEC 2020 Online Registration Deadline
February 13

ASCLS Awards Deadline
February 15