Society News Now

Society News Now, Issue #8

A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

SNN Header

Issue 8 April 2015

In this Issue:

Medical Laboratory Professional Week (MLPW)  Patient Safety Committee (PSC)

Abstract Proposal and Review Committee (APRC)  Government Affairs Committee (GAC)

Membership Committee (MC)  Viral Video Contest Winner

ASCLS Spring Meetings are like a Family Reunion  CLIAC Committee Proceedings


Medical Laboratory Professional Week (MLPW)
I hope all of you celebrated MLPW with activities to promote the value of laboratory services in your workplace – and had some fun as well!   Thanks goes to Shelby Currier, Chair, and the Promotion of the Profession Committee for their hard work in promoting MLPW including their original social media campaign.

Patient Safety Committee (PSC)
Cathy Otto, Chair, and the Patient Safety Committee are working on a position paper on the medical laboratory science profession and our importance and contribution to patient safety. The paper will be presented to the House of Delegates at the Annual Meeting in Atlanta for approval by the delegates.

Abstract Proposal and Review Committee (APRC)
The APRC is actively working on reviewing abstracts that have been submitted for either a poster or for oral presentation at the Annual Meeting in Atlanta. When you attend the Annual Meeting, don’t forget to view the posters on Wednesday morning, and consider attending the Member Submitted Papers session on Wednesday afternoon.  

Government Affairs Committee (GAC)
Those of us who attended the Legislative Symposium in March were aware that a bi-partisan bill was going to be introduced into the House to “fix” the sustainable growth rate (SGR) legislation which was used to control the growth rate of payments for physician services. Every six months, Congress had been extending the SGR, but this time they were able to agree on a permanent solution. The SGR will be replaced with an annual 0.5% physician pay increase over the next 5 years, and was signed into law by President Obama on April 16. The best news about this legislation is that it did not include further cuts to laboratory reimbursement. Our collective laboratory voice was heard!

Membership Committee (MC)
ASCLS is pleased to report that our membership numbers are increasing, thanks to the hard work of the Membership Committee, ASCLS staff, and our members who have been actively recruiting new members. Current numbers list ASCLS membership at 8500, which is up over 1000 from last year at this time. The best news is that as we increase members, we are also able to expand the services we provide to our members so please keep up the good work! Now is the time to start your renewal campaigns, too.

In addition, Holly Weinberg, Chair, and the Membership Committee has been busy developing a way to  highlight young professionals in a Young Professional Spotlight.

Viral Video Contest Winner
Cullen James, a MLS student from Saginaw Valley State University in Michigan, has been named the winner of the 2015 ASCLS Video Contest. Cullen created and produced the entire footage, including the audio and musical track. Congratulations, Cullen! Check out the winning video and the other submissions on the ASCLS website.

ASCLS Spring Meetings are like a Family Reunion
ASCLS constituent society spring educational meetings are winding down. As ASCLS President, I had the opportunity to present and attend meetings in Denver, Houston, Twin Falls, Idaho and Missoula, MT. These meetings are so much more than just continuing education – attendees get to visit with vendors, network with colleagues, reconnect with friends, and most importantly have some fun! I went bowling as a fundraiser, danced to a DJ, watched the Flight of the Butterflies at a planetarium, and participated in a laboratory version of Amazing Race. These annual Spring Meetings are events not to be missed!

CLIAC Committee Proceedings
During the April 15-16, 2015 meeting of the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Advisory Committee (CLIAC), one discussion topic was Laboratory Safety and Quality: Lessons Learned Through the Ebola Response. ASCLS, represented by Executive Vice President Elissa Passiment, provided comments that expressed our concerns about the disparities in information and poor professional reactions that occurred during the Ebola challenge. Our major concern is that science did not seem to prevail over the hysteria, and credibility was lost in all sectors, public health and clinical settings. We applauded the efforts of the CDC to appropriately address concerns during the Ebola event, and believe that this is a great time for clinical and public health laboratorians to work together to address our biosafety issues, and to implement a strong safety culture throughout all sectors. Read the entire statement at .


  • Susan Beck of North Carolina and Scott Aikey of Pennsylvania have been re-elected to the ASCP Board of Certification Board of Governors for three year terms, beginning in November 2015. Thanks to Sue and Scott for their continued commitment to the work of the Board of Certification.
  • April 30 is also the deadline for naming Key to the Future awardees. Every constituent society should recognize and reward at least one of their state ASCLS members who have demonstrated their leadership potential to the organization.

Society News Now, Issue #7

A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

ASCLSOne Voice, One Vision

Society News Now

A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

Issue 7 March 2015

In this Issue:

Legislative Symposium  ASCLS Board of Directors Strategic Planning Session

ASCLS Board of Directors Interim Board Meeting  Product Development Committee

Promotion of the Profession Committee  Membership Committee  Announcements

Legislative Symposium
Thanks to the efforts of our EVP, Elissa Passiment, and the Government Affairs Committee, with Rick Panning as Chair, the Legislative Symposium held in Alexandria, VA on March 16 and 17 was another huge success.  Over 130 participants from ASCLS, CLMA, ASCP, AMT, and AGT learned about the latest issues impacting our profession, and gained the skills necessary for their Hill visits.  There were many first time attendees, many students, and many folks who continue to come each year to advocate for our profession.   This year, one of the “asks” was to consider being a co-sponsor on a bill being put forward by ASCLS that would provide specific funding for the clinical laboratory science profession through Title VII of the Public Health Service Act.  This would be in addition to the allied health grants currently in place (but unfunded for the past few years) under Title VII.   

ASCLS Board of Directors Strategic Planning Session
The ASCLS Board met on March 14 for a strategic planning session facilitated by Barbara Snyderman, ASCLS President-Elect.  Among many things, there was excellent discussion around the best ways for ASCLS to communicate with our multi-generational members and leaders, and some talking points were generated to help folks address questions when they are recruiting members to ASCLS.  Thanks to Barbara for organizing a great Planning Day.  

ASCLS Board of Directors Interim Board Meeting
On March 15 the Board of Directors held their interim board meeting to continue the work of ASCLS, and address the requests for action and items of concern brought forth by our members.  The Regional Directors will be reporting back the deliberations that took place on these issues.   Members can read all of the interim reports that were submitted for this meeting by visiting the Leaders page on the ASCLS website.  Many of the appointments for the 2015-16 year were approved, as was the revised ASCLS Investment Policy statement which provides us with a little more flexibility in our conservative investment stance.  The slate of candidates for ASCLS 2015-16 was also approved – to avoid a “spoiler alert”, watch for your upcoming ASCLS Today for details on the candidates.  

Product Development Committee (PDC)
The PDC has been given approval to move forward on a project that will form a team and propose a budget to look into the development of a laboratory-based app designed for mobile devices.  This mobile app would go beyond what is provided by and would strive to improve laboratory test utilization by providing healthcare professionals with accepted algorithms for selecting the correct test at the appropriate time for their patients.  More to come on this exciting possibility.

Promotion of the Profession Committee (PPC)
Remember that Medical Laboratory Professional Week is April 19-25, 2015 and the PPC has developed a fun social media campaign.  Each day will have a different topic for your response on Facebook.   You can also post your MLPW activities to Twitter, Facebook and other social medial using  #lab4life.  Use this hashtag to show others how you are celebrating MLPW and follow what others are doing for their festivities.

The PPC is also helping to judge the ASCLS logo contest.  Over 25 entries were received to update the ASCLS logo, and incorporate our new tag lines – ASCLS:  One Voice, One Vision, and Providing the Science of Medicine.  The top entries will be open to a vote of the membership so stay tuned to the ASCLS website for details on how to vote for your favorite.  

Membership Committee
 ASCLS now has 8,140 members, up from 6,990 at this time last year.  This is a great upward trend, and thanks goes to the Membership Committee and ASCLS staff for providing you with the tools to help you recruit.  Many of these new members are students, so now is the time to show these new members the benefits of membership in ASCLS.  Spring meetings are starting, so in addition to recruiting new members using the Spring Membership Campaign, use this opportunity to retain the members we currently have.  If you need promotional materials for your event, order them in our online store. Please take the time to visit your Membership Booth and help promote the value of ASCLS membership at your spring meeting – and throughout the year.  Let’s continue to keep those membership numbers climbing!

April 1 is the deadline for submitting your You Tube video to promote ASCLS.  Check the ASCLS website for details – and I think you could have a couple of days grace period, since my newsletter is a little late this month.
April 24 is the deadline for the Beckman Student Travel Grants, allowing deserving students the opportunity to attend the ASCLS Annual Meeting in Atlanta.  Details and the travel grant application can be downloaded at the ASCLS Annual Meeting webpage.  
April 30 is the deadline for the Key to the Future award, which recognizes and rewards ASCLS members who have demonstrated their leadership potential to the organization, and to provide these members with structured mentoring.
April 30 is the deadline to submit a proposal for an educational session at CLEC 2016. Visit the CLEC website for more details.
May 1 is the deadline for student members to submit a research paper or case study for the ESA Student Paper Award.  Visit for more details.
May 15 is the deadline to submit your application for the Beckman Coulter Student Forum Travel Grant.
May 22 is the deadline to submit your application for the Student Forum Travel Award.

Society News Now, Issue #6

A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

ASCLSOne Voice, One Vision

Society News Now

A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

Issue 6 February 2015

In this Issue:

Clinical Laboratory Science Journal  Help ASCLS Go Viral!  Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference (CLEC)

ASCLS Planning Day and Interim Board Meeting  Government Affairs Committee (GAC)

ASCLS Diversity Task Force  ASCLS Body of Knowledge (BOK)  Membership Committee

Product Development Committee (PDC)  Coordinating Council on the Clinical Laboratory Workforce (CCCLW)

Logo Design Contest  Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (MLPW)



Clinical Laboratory Science Journal
Earlier this month, those members who receive the journal were sent an e-mail announcing the new look for the Winter 2015 issue of Clinical Laboratory Science, as it now is published electronically.  This format change will allow a greater use of color and images and flexibility as to the number of pages per issue.  Check it out!

Help ASCLS Go Viral!
We are looking for creative videos to post on You Tube to promote ASCLS.  The videos will be used by the Membership Committee to serve as a recruitment tool.  The winning video will receive a $200 cash prize, and the designated leader of the winning video will win a free student registration to the ASCLS Annual Meeting in Atlanta.  Deadline – April 1, 2015.  

Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference (CLEC) February 19-21, 2015
I (Susie Zanto) just returned from attending my first CLEC, held in Cincinnati, and although it was cold outside, there were lots of hot topics indoors.  It was a very energizing conference, even for someone who doesn’t directly work in education. I learned about education methods, the latest uses of flipped and on-line classrooms, and issues educators face as they teach our future MLS and MLT professionals.  A special thanks to the CLEC Planning Committee, especially Co-Chairs Cathy Shaffner and Beth Warning, and ASCLS-Ohio for a wonderful experience.

ASCLS Planning Day and Interim Board Meeting
The weekend of March 13 – 15, prior to the Legislative Symposium, the ASCLS Board of Directors (BOD) is very busy.  Friday evening the Finance Committee meets and works on the budget for 2015-16.  Saturday is the BOD Planning Day, a strategic planning session organized by President-Elect Barbara Snyderman and the Long Range Planning Committee.   Last year during Planning Day, the BOD worked on what has become our ASCLS Strategy Canvas and Tag Line, ASCLS: One Voice, One Vision.  Then on Sunday, the Interim Board meeting is conducted.  This is where the BOD addresses requests for action or items of concern that are passed along from our grass roots members through their constituent leadership and Regional Director to the BOD.  Stay tuned for an update from this weekend in future issues of Society News Now.    

Government Affairs Committee (GAC)
The GAC is busy preparing for the 2015 Legislative Symposium in Washington D.C., March 16-17.  ASCLS is proud to work with CLMA, ASCP, AGT, and AMT each year on this meeting, and pre-registration numbers are great.  This shows the importance our members place on learning the legislative issues impacting our profession, and providing a unified, visible, and informed voice as participants make our concerns known inside Congress.  For more information, check out the website.  

ASCLS Diversity Task Force
The ASCLS Diversity Task Force, chaired by Cheryl Caskey of Louisiana, has started deliberations to define diversity as it pertains to the membership of ASCLS, develop strategies to increase diversity in ASCLS, and redefine the Forum for the Concerns of Minorities.  We look forward to a report at the Annual Meeting in Atlanta the end of July.  

ASCLS Body of Knowledge (BOK)
The revised ASCLS Body of Knowledge (BOK), edited by Shauna Anderson of Utah, is now available for purchase.  These publications encompass the essential knowledge base for what is recognized and practiced in the profession.  The BOK is useful in developing job descriptions to differentiate levels of practice, determining training & continuing education needs, and designing education curriculum.  The updated edition is available as a downloadable product through the ASCLS Store.   

The ASCLS BOK Revision Process Task Force, chaired by Linda Smith of Texas, is charged with defining a process so that the ASCLS BOK is updated on a regular basis.  A process will be developed and presented at the Annual Meeting in Atlanta.  

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee continues to work hard at providing tools and resources so that our members can recruit new members and retain existing members.  Membership numbers are up significantly as a result of all the efforts.  Remember as you speak to possible new members, the Spring Meeting campaign starts in March.  When new members join, they receive 15 months of membership for the price of one year - their memberships will not expire until July 2016.  

Product Development Committee (PDC)
The PDC is busy surveying our membership as they identify needs and work to develop educational programs and products in response to new advances in the profession.  Stay tuned for information about a possible mobile application.

Coordinating Council on the Clinical Laboratory Workforce (CCCLW)
CCCLW is reviewing the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Handbook and is asking every participating organization for input.  The ASCLS Promotion of the Profession Committee, and Education Scientific Assembly, and the Lab Administrators Scientific Assembly have been working on our response, as we have had concerns for many years related to the description of the laboratory professions.  The CCCLW will be meeting in Chicago in March, and Rick Panning is our ASCLS voting member on this Council.  

Don’t Forget the Logo Design Contest as we look to update our brand to go along with our new tag line and Strategy Canvas.  Details can be found here.

Medical Laboratory Professionals Week (MLPW)
Get ready to celebrate MLPW on April 19-25, 2015 with ASCLS.  Join us as we launch a social media celebration.  Check out our Facebook page daily and share your responses.  Post pictures and comments.  Tell stories.  Show us how YOU are celebrating!  Then share these discussions across other social media outlets by using our brand new hashtag, #Lab4Life.  Also visit our MLPW website to download the updated MLPW Promotional Guide for ideas to enhance your celebration and purchase promotional items for your staff, coworkers, or even yourself.

Society News Now, Issue #5

A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

ASCLSOne Voice, One Vision

Society News Now

A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

Issue 5 January 2015

In this Issue:

FDA Public Workshop on Laboratory Developed Tests Leadership Academy Call for Applications

Membership Committee   ASCP Board of Certification Government Affairs Reminders

FDA Public Workshop on Laboratory Developed Tests

Elissa Passiment and Susie Zanto represented ASCLS at this public meeting on January 8 and 9, on the NIH Campus in Bethesda. FDA listened to comments from over 80 individuals representing laboratory interests, including private genetic testing laboratories, organizations such as ASM, APHL, CAP, ASCP, and ACLA, commercial laboratories such as Mayo Medical Laboratories and ARUP, and consumer organizations. Public comments and a panel discussion was held on 6 different topics, and Elissa was part of a panel discussion on clinical validity. The FDA will consider all of the comments as they work to finalize the guidelines. Written comments will still be accepted up to February 2, and the Government Affairs Committee will be finalizing ASCLS comments soon.

Leadership Academy Call for Applications

Applications are now being accepted for the 2015-2016 Leadership Academy. This is a great way to invigorate your state society with new leaders, and provide them with the tools they need to be successful. Please think of those around you that have leadership potential, and encourage them to apply. The investment will benefit both the candidate and your society. Applications or questions should be directed to Rebecca Rogers, Leadership Academy Committee Vice Chair.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee continues to encourage the recruitment of new members. The Member Rewards program allows you to earn $25 in rewards for EVERY new member you recruit. Reach out to your co-workers, students, managers, and supervisors. Click here for to view the member rewards flyer! Member dues are being pro-rated until the end of February, after which the Spring Membership Campaign for new members starts.

ASCP Board of Certification

ASCLS has nominated Scott Aikey (PA) and Susan Beck (NC) to second terms as ASCLS representatives to the ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) Board of Governors (BOG). Scott currently is Secretary of Board, and former ASCLS President, Kathy Hansen (MN) will become the Chair after the October 2015 meeting of the BOC Board.  

Government Affairs

ASCLS continues to collaborate with a coalition, including AACC and leaders from the “therapy” professions – physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech and language pathology and respiratory therapy), to work with the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). The focus is on placing more attention on Allied Health and the need to allocate more resources to Allied Health education.  

Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA): CMS will be selecting members of the PAMA Advisory Committee. ASCLS has nominated Rick Panning (MN), Judy Davis (TN), Suzanne Butch (MI), and Elissa Passiment as possible members. CMS needs to publish the proposal that reforms the Medicare Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedule (CLFS) soon to give people time to read it and make comments, since the final rule is to be published by July 2015.


CLSI Survey: Don’t forget to complete the CLSI survey concerning the use of CLSI standards and guidelines, and how CLSI can best offer standards, guidelines, and companion products (bench aids) in a way that is most appropriate to your needs and the needs of your organization.   If you do not have a link to this survey, please contact

Logo Design Contest: Our new ASCLS tag line and strategic canvas deserve a new logo. Put your artistic and creative minds to work!  Click here for more information.

Clinical Laboratory Educators’ Conference (CLEC): There is still time to attend CLEC in Cincinnati February 19-22, 2015. Click here for more information, and register now!

Legislative Symposium: Register now for this annual not-to-be-missed opportunity, March 16-17, 2015 in Alexandria, VA. The deadline for early registration is February 15. Click here for more information.        

Awards/Scholarships: The application deadlines for many awards and scholarships are quickly approaching. Please be sure to recognize deserving individuals and activities by nominating them. You can find all information at


Society News Now, Issue #4

A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

ASCLSOne Voice, One Vision

Society News Now

A monthly update on activities occurring on behalf of the members of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science

Issue 4 December 2014

In this Issue:

November Board of Directors Meeting   Clinical Laboratory Science Journal – Electronic format Government Affairs FDA Guidance on Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) Promotion of the Profession Membership Committee CMS Advisory Panel on Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests Patient Safety Committee ASCLS Logo Contest Happy Holidays!

 November Board of Directors Meeting

The ASCLS Board of Directors met by conference call on November 14, and several motions were passed. These included:

  • Continued support for the Coordinating Council on the Clinical Laboratory Workforce (CCCLW)
  • Investigating a system to record the President-Elect Seminar during the national meeting for those members unable to attend
  • Developing a mechanism to help State Presidents mentor and monitor their volunteers in elected and appointed leadership positons, and
  • Determining a means to collect a permanent, not school, e-mail address for students so we can continue to communicate with them when they graduate.

Clinical Laboratory Science Journal – Electronic format

In 2015, the CLS Journal will be published in an electronic-only format. The Board selected a publishing option that will provide a totally interactive website, with searchable manuscripts, and links to referenced material. The Table of Contents will have links to individual manuscripts and the entire journal issue can be downloaded as a pdf file.

Government Affairs

ASCLS formed a coalition of other health care professions (AACC, occupational therapy, physical therapy, respiratory therapy and speech and language pathology) to meet with HRSA regarding the need for HRSA to communicate to Congress the need for funding for Allied Health Professions. Clinical Laboratory needs a sustained federal investment, specifically funding to recruit and retain students, grow faculty and develop curriculum.

It is anticipated that the new Republican-led Congress will try to repeal the ACA (Healthcare Reform) and the President will veto those attempts. Two areas that are likely to see action are: (1) Employer mandate provisions and thresholds; the definition of full-time is now 30 hr/wk and SSA would like to change that to 40 hr/wk. (2) Device tax – there is support for the repeal of the 2.3% excise tax on medical devices. If repealed, a plan for replacing the lost funds would need to be developed.

FDA Guidance on Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs)

The FDA will hold a public meeting related to Laboratory Developed Tests (LDTs) on January 8-9. Elissa Passiment and Susie Zanto will be in attendance, representing ASCLS members. ASCLS will submit comments to the proposed FDA guidance, which are due in February. If you have some specific concerns that you would like addressed in the ASCLS comments to the FDA, please forward them to Elissa Passiment at

Promotion of the Profession 

The Career Recruitment Toolkit has been updated on the ASCLS website. Check it out!

ASCLS Voice articles continue to be posted in ADVANCE. Read the latest one.

ASCLS will have its own slogan for MLPW, to be used in addition to the common slogan of 'Get Results.' The slogan is #lab4life and will be used in a social media campaign and will appear on ASCLS merchandise.

Membership Committee

The MC is looking at ways to engage our members who are retiring, to encourage them to continue to support the profession that has served them through the years. There is a wealth of knowledge and experience in our veteran professionals that can be a huge asset to ASCLS.

Lapsed member campaigns are on-going. The MC is very interested in learning why some members have not renewed their membership. Please forward that information to Holly Weinberg, MC Chair at

CMS Advisory Panel on Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory Tests

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is convening an advisory panel to provide input on the establishment of payment rates for new tests and the factors used in determining coverage and payment processes for new clinical diagnostic laboratory tests.   ASCLS has nominated 3 well-respected and well-qualified members for this panel: Judy Davis from Tennessee, Rick Panning from Minnesota, and Suzanne Butch from Michigan. ASCLS will continue to monitor this process to establish fee schedules.

Patient Safety Committee

The PSC is planning a publicity campaign to inform our colleagues about Patient Safety.  The overall theme of the campaign is called It Is Up to Me.  

The PSC is working on a P.A.C.E.® approved product to provide educational tools for MLT and MLS educators, as well as laboratory managers, that will furnish students and lab professionals with information regarding Patient Safety.

The Patient Safety Tips products are being validated in 2015. Part of the validation includes a short survey for patients to complete after they have had a chance to review the product.

ASCLS Logo Contest

Our new ASCLS tag line and strategic canvas deserve a new logo. Join your colleagues in designing how this logo will look! The new logo will be used in branding the new direction of ASCLS. Put your artistic and creative minds to work!  And win a free registration to the ASCLS 2015 Annual Meeting.  Click here for more information.

Happy Holidays!

The leadership and staff at ASCLS wish all of you a very happy holiday season, and a very prosperous 2015!