Sponsored by ASCLS- Georgia and administred by the Education and Research Fund, Inc.

In 1982, the Georgia State Society for Medical Technology (GSSMT, now ASCLS-Georgia) established the Gloria "Mike" Gilbert Award in memory of Gloria Fairfax Gilbert, affectionately known as "Mike" to friends and colleagues. Gloria devoted a major part of her life to Clinical Laboratory Science. She was active at the local, state and national levels and served as GSSMT state president and American Society for Medical Technology (ASMT, now American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, ASCLS) Region III director. She was particularly proud of her efforts toward drafting Georgia's laboratory licensure law. Gloria died while attending the 50th anniversary meeting of ASMT in Houston, Texas. The Gilbert award recognizes leadership, professional excellence, and specific accomplishments in Clinical Laboratory Science.


A $300 award, commemorative booklet and plaque are presented at the ASCLS Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony.


Any clinical laboratory practitioner who:

  • has been engaged in clinical laboratory science practice for at least three years.
  • has demonstrated sustained leadership in the practice of clinical laboratory science.

Selection Criteria

  • Peer recognition
  • State, regional, and national leadership in Clinical Laboratory Science practice.
  • Professional goals or practice that reflect excellence, innovations, or accomplishments that contribute to advancement of the Clinical Laboratory Science profession.

Nominator's Instructions

Please attach your nomination letter on your letterhead and the completed nominee application form with any further electronic documentation by email to ASCLS Executive Vice President Jim Flanigan at jimf@ascls.org . Only electronic documents are accepted.

Nomination deadline: April 1

Download the award nomination form

Download the ASCLS Awards Application Coversheet