Recommended Topics for E&R Fund Graduate and Member Grants

Clinical Laboratory Education

  • Innovative educational techniques
  • Simulation laboratories
  • Student admission process and tracking success
  • Student retention
  • Research in student learning
  • Changes in MLS undergraduate or graduate education
  • Faculty development

Patient Safety

  • Investigation of laboratory practices that improve patient safety.
  • Assessment of pre-analytical and post-analytical errors and their impact on patient outcomes.

Value of Laboratory Services

  • Impact of test results in diagnosis and treatment.
  • Development and assessment of test applications.
  • Value of appropriate test utilization in clinical decision-making.
  • Assessment of point-of-care testing validity and clinical efficacy.
  • New test development and modifications, validation, and clinical efficacy.
  • Correlation of proficiency testing, personnel standards, internal quality control, and quality assessment on the validity and clinical efficacy of test results.

Value of Educated Personnel

  • Correlate level of education and clinical training to validity and quality of test results.
  • Strategies to increase the number of, address retention of, and improve the public image of clinical laboratory professionals.
  • Investigation of the role of the Clinical (Medical) Laboratory Scientist, Clinical (Medical) Laboratory Technician, or professional with a doctorate in Clinical Laboratory Science in test utilization.

Translational Research

  • Applications that reduce disease incidence, morbidity, and mortality.

Proposal Format

Limit to three single-sided typewritten pages. Include all material essential to the application.

  1. Title
  2. Background and rationale: Identify how the project addresses the E&R designated research purposes and the profession’s needs, demonstrate familiarity with existing research and personal expertise, identify pertinent issues and state the problem clearly and concisely.
  3. Objectives: Appropriate, clear, and linked to the problem stated in the rationale.
  4. Methods/Design: The methods/design should be described clearly; agree with objectives; be specific and detailed; identify strengths and limitations; describe the sampling population, recruitment of subjects, data collection procedures, methods used to minimize sample bias; identify staff qualifications; indicate recording and reporting procedures; list appropriate deadlines; and guarantee confidentiality.
  5. Analysis Procedures: The analysis section should include identification of instruments, relate to the purpose/objectives, describe extent and detail of analysis, list time frame, and describe written and/or verbal reporting procedures.
  6. Budget: The budget section should include itemization and justification of cost and relate to the objectives and protocol.
  7. Appendices: The appendices should include supplemental information, biographical expertise, support letters, and contracts.


Joseph J. Kleiner Memorial Awards

Outstanding Clinical Laboratory Science Article 

 Administered Annually by the ASCLS Education and Research Fund

The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Education and Research Fund, Inc. administers the Joseph J Kleiner Award, presented annually to the first author of the best article in Clinical Laboratory Science, the official journal of ASCLS. The Kleiner Award is endowed by the Joseph J. Kleiner Memorial Fund, established by Judy Kleiner in honor of her father, the 1949 inventor of the BD Vacutainer® Blood Collection System.


The first author of the selected article is awarded $1000 and a celebratory plaque at the ASCLS Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony.


All Clinical Laboratory Science articles are reviewed by a committee from the Education & Research Fund Board of Trustees.

E&R Fund Memorial Scholarship


Education and Research Fund Inc. 

The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science Education and Research Fund (E&R Fund) in cooperation with the honorary Alpha Mu Tau Fraternity (AMTF) provide several undergraduate scholarships for students enrolled in Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician programs.

The E&R Fund provides Memorial Scholarships, established in 2011, that are intended especially for those who wish to honor or memorialize a friend, colleague, or family member with their gift. There is no minimum contribution level, the donor simply provides the name and affiliation of the person they wish to honor or memorialize.


Each E&R Fund MLS Memorial Scholarship winner is awarded $1500; each MLT winner is awarded $1,000. Recipients are notified by email and are honored at the ASCLS Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony.

Eligibility for E&R Fund and AMTF Scholarships

  • Scholarship applicants must be a member of ASCLS.
  • Citizen or permanent resident of the United States.
  • Undergraduate applicants may apply during their final year.
  • Undergraduate applicants must be enrolled in a NAACLS accredited program.

Undergraduate Student Process

One application and one performance evaluation enters the student into competition for both the E&R Fund and AMTF undergraduate scholarships.  To download the Undergraduate application and forms, go to the AMTF Scholarship webpage.

Applications Available November 1; Application Deadline is April 1.


Gloria F. "Mike" Gilbert Memorial Award


Sponsored by ASCLS- Georgia and administred by the Education and Research Fund, Inc.

In 1982, the Georgia State Society for Medical Technology (GSSMT, now ASCLS-Georgia) established the Gloria "Mike" Gilbert Award in memory of Gloria Fairfax Gilbert, affectionately known as "Mike" to friends and colleagues. Gloria devoted a major part of her life to Clinical Laboratory Science. She was active at the local, state and national levels and served as GSSMT state president and American Society for Medical Technology (ASMT, now American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, ASCLS) Region III director. She was particularly proud of her efforts toward drafting Georgia's laboratory licensure law. Gloria died while attending the 50th anniversary meeting of ASMT in Houston, Texas. The Gilbert award recognizes leadership, professional excellence, and specific accomplishments in Clinical Laboratory Science.


A $300 award, commemorative booklet and plaque are presented at the ASCLS Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony.


Any clinical laboratory practitioner who:

  • has been engaged in clinical laboratory science practice for at least three years.
  • has demonstrated sustained leadership in the practice of clinical laboratory science.

Selection Criteria

  • Peer recognition
  • State, regional, and national leadership in Clinical Laboratory Science practice.
  • Professional goals or practice that reflect excellence, innovations, or accomplishments that contribute to advancement of the Clinical Laboratory Science profession.

Nominator's Instructions

Please attach your nomination letter on your letterhead and the completed nominee application form with any further electronic documentation by email to ASCLS Executive Vice President Jim Flanigan at . Only electronic documents are accepted.

Nomination deadline: April 1

Download the award nomination form

Download the ASCLS Awards Application Coversheet